In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Agnon, S.Y., The Parable and its Lesson, A Novella. Stanford University Press (Stanford, 2014).
Bell, D.P., ed., The Bloomsbury Companion to Jewish Studies. Bloomsbury Academic (New York, 2013).
Bemporad, E., Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2013).
Benjamin, A., Working with Walter Benjamin: Recovering a Political Philosophy. Edinburgh University Press (Edinburgh, 2013).
Bohm-Duchen, M., Art and the Second World War. Princeton University Press (Princeton, 2013).
Brinkmann, T., Points of Passage: Jewish Transmigration from Eastern Europe in Scandinavia, Germany, and Britain 1880 – 1914. Berghahn Books (New York, 2013).
Clementi, F.K., Holocaust Mothers & Daughters: Family, History, and Trauma. Brandeis University Press (Waltham, 2013).
Dekel-Chen, J., Gaunt, D., et al., eds. Anti-Jewish Violence: Rethinking The Pogrom in East European History. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2011).
Dynner, G., Yankel’s Tavern: Jews, Liquor, and Life in the Kingdom of Poland. Oxford University Press (New York, 2014).
Even-Chen, A. and Meir, E., Between Heschel and Buber: A Comparative Study. Academic Studies Press (Boston, 2012).
Feuerman, R.K., In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist, A Novel. The New York Review of Books (New York, 2013).
Garrett, L., A Knight at the Opera: Heine, Wagner, Herzl, Peretz, and the Legacy of Der Tannhäuser. Purdue University Press (West Lafayette, 2011).
Gorsetman, C.R., and Sztokman, E.M., Educating in the Divine Image: Gender Issues in Orthodox Jewish Day Schools. Brandeis University Press (Waltham, 2013).
Green, K.H., ed., Leo Strauss and the Rediscovery of Maimonides. The University of Chicago Press (Chicago, 2013).
Green, K.H., ed., Leo Strauss on Maimonides: The Complete Writings. The University of Chicago Press (Chicago, 2013).
Greenblatt, R.L., To Tell Their Children: Jewish Communal Memory in Early Modern Prague. Stanford University Press (Stanford, 2014).
Hassing, A., Church Resistance to Nazism in Norway, 1940 – 1945. University of Washington Press (Seattle, 2014).
Itzkoff, S.W., Judaism’s Promise, Meeting the Challenge of Modernity. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. (New York, 2014).
Jardim, T., The Mauthausen Trial: American Military Justice in Germany. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, 2012).
Katz, C.E., Levinas and the Crisis of Humanism. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2013).
Koltun-Fromm, K., Thinking Jewish Culture in America. Lexington Books (Lanham, 2014).
Kroha, L., The Drama of the Assimilated Jews: Giorgio Bassani’s Romanzo di Ferrara. University of Toronto Press (Toronto, 2014).
Kurzweil, E., Nazi Laws and Jewish Lives: Letters from Vienna. Transaction Publishers (New Brunswick, 2014).
Lambert, J., Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture. New York University Press (New York, 2014).
Lang, B., Primo Levi: The Matter of a Life. Yale University Press (New Haven, 2013).
Lederman, S., Sheva’s Promise: Chronicle of Escape from a Nazi Ghetto. Syracuse University Press (Syracuse, 2013).
Lerner, B., Triumph des Geistes: Lebens- und Lerngeschichten von sieben Überlebenden des Holocaust. Wochenschau Verlag (Schwalbach/Ts., 2013).
Magid, S., American Post-Judaism: Identity and Renewal in a Post-Ethnic Society. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2013).
Mirsky, Y., Rav Kook: Mystic in Time of Revolution. Yale University Press (New Haven, 2014).
Neusner, J., Rabbi Moses: A Documentary Catalogue. University Press of America (Lanham, 2013).
Norich, A., Writing in Tongues: Translating Yiddish in the 20th Century. University of Washington Press (Seattle, 2013).
Oz, A., Between Friends. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (New York, 2013).
Pressfield, S., The Lion’s Gate: On the Front Lines of the Six Day War. Sentinel/Penguin (New York, 2014).
Reitter, P., On the Origins of Jewish Self-Hatred. Princeton University Press (Princeton, 2012). [End Page 266]
Roskies, D.G., and Diamant, N., Holocaust Literature: A History and Guide. Brandeis University Press (Waltham, 2012).
Roudinesco, É., Revisiting the Jewish Question. Polity Press (Malden, 2013).
Salmon, Y., Do Not Provoke Providence: Orthodoxy in the Grip of Nationalism. Academic Studies Press (Boston, 2014).
Sasson, T., The New American Zionism. New York University Press (New York, 2014).
Satlow, M.L., How the Bible Became Holy. Yale University Press (New Haven, 2014).
Schultz, P., The Wherewithal, A Novel in Verse. W.W. Norton and Company (New York, 2014).
Scult, M., The Radical American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2014).
Shandler, J., Shtetl: A Vernacular Intellectual History. Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick, 2014).
Shrayer, M...

