In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received
Bei, G., Shanghai Sanctuary: Chinese and Japanese Policy toward European Jewish Refugees during World War II. Oxford University Press (New York, 2013).
Beinfeld, S. and Bochner, H., Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2013).
Best, I., The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Fortress Press (Minneapolis, 2012).
Breitman, R. and Lichtman, A., FDR and the Jews. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA, 2013).
Dorff, E. and Crane, J. K., The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality. Oxford University Press (New York, 2013).
Eshel, A., Futurity. The University of Chicago Press (Chicago, 2013).
Goetschel, W., The Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought. Fordham University Press (New York, 2013).
Goldenberg, M. and Shapiro, A. H., Different Horrors, Same Hell: Gender and the Holocaust. University of Washington Press (Seattle, 2013).
Goren, S., Pressman, H. S. and Rabinovitch, L., Choosing Yiddish: New Frontiers of Language and Culture. Wayne State University Press (Detroit, 2013).
Grob, L. and Roth, J. K., Encountering the Stranger: A Jewish Christian Muslim Trialouge. University of Washington Press (Seattle, 2012).
Harris, R. S. and Omer-Sherman, R., Narratives of Dissent: War in Contemporary Israeli Arts and Culture. Wayne State University Press (Detroit, 2013).
Hartman, D., From Defender to Critic: The Search for a New Jewish Self. Jewish Lights Publishing (Woodstock, VT, 2012).
Katz, C. E., Levinas and the Crisis of Humanism. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2013).
Kulka, O. D., Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA, 2013).
Nickelsburg, G. W. E. and VanderKam J. C., 1 Enoch. Fortress Press (Minneapolis, 2012).
Olson, J., Nathan Birnbaum and Jewish Modernity. Stanford University Press (Stanford, 2013).
Parfitt, T., Black Jews in Africa and the Americas. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA, 2013).
Pinto, D., Israel has Moved. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA, 2013).
Probst, C. J., Demonizing the Jews. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2012).
Ray, J., After Expulsion: 1492 and the Making of Sephardic Jewry. New York University Press (New York, 2013).
Rashke, R., Useful Enemies. Delphinium Books (Harrison, 2013).
Reitter, P., On the Origins of Jewish Self-Hatred. Princeton University Press (Princeton, 2012).
Rosenfeld, A. H., Resurgent Antisemitism. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2013).
Schraam, B. and Stjern, K. I., Martin Luther, The Bible, and the Jewish People. Fortress Press (Minneapolis, 2012).
Schwartz, D. B., The First Modern Jew. Princeton University Press (Princeton, 2012).
Shoet, A., The Jews of Pinsk, 1881 to 1941. Stanford University Press (Stanford, 2012).
Sicher, E. and Weinhouse, L., Under Postcolonial Eyes: Figuring the “jew” in Contemporary British Writing. University of Nebraska Press (Lincoln, 2012).
Silver, M. M., Louis Marshall and the Rise of Jewish Ethnicity in America. Syracuse University Press (Syracuse, 2013).
Snyder, S. C., Building a Public Judaism. Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA, 2013).
Stern, E., The Genius. Yale University Press (New Haven, 2013).
Urban, M., Theodicy of Culture and the Jewish Ethos. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co (Berlin, 2012).
Yeroushalmi, D., Light and Shadows: The Story of Iranian Jews. Fowler Museum at UCLA (Los Angeles, 2012).
Zadoff, M., Next Year in Marienbad. University of Pennsylvania Press (Philadelphia, 2012).
Zetterholm, K. H., Jewish Interpretation of the Bible. Fortress Press (Minneapolis, 2012).
Zuccotti, S., Pere Marie-Benoit and Jewish Rescue. Indiana University Press (Bloomington, 2013). [End Page 232]

