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  • Contributors

Joseph Alkana is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Miami. He is the author of The Social Self: Hawthorne, Howells, William James, and Nineteenth-Century Psychology. He also co-edited Cohesion and Dissent in America.

Marc J. Darosa is a Ph.D. candidate in English at the University of California at Berkeley. His dissertation deals with the intersection of journalism and novelistic writing in turn-of-the-century England and Ireland. He has published an essay on Nietzsche, and he is currently working on a manuscript entitled Imagined Communities: The National Press and the Sociality of Form in James Joyce’s Ulysses.

Richard A. Kaye teaches in the English Department at Davidson College. His essays have been published in such journals as Arizona Quarterly and SEL. He is co-editing a book forthcoming in 1998 from University of Chicago Press titled The Queen of Decadence: Salome in Modern Culture.

Robert Dale Parker teaches English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has published two books on William Faulkner and one on Elizabeth Bishop, as well as articles on Faulkner, American literature, and Native American literature. He is currently writing a book on the invention of Native American literature from the 1930s to the 1980s.

Eleanor F. Shevlin is a Ph.D. candidate in English at the University of Maryland, College Park. At present she is completing a dissertation entitled “Hot Properties: Novel Names, Genre Claims, and Legal Frames in Eighteenth-Century British Literature,” a project that examines the practices governing the titles of texts and conceptions of the novel as a form of property.

