In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Modem Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography CHARLES A. CARPENTER The present annual bibliography follows the basic principles and limitations described in the June 1984 issue. The main objective is to record current scholarship, criticism, and commentary that may prove valuable to students of dramatic literature and, to a lesser extent, of theatre history. The bibliography embraces all the expected areas and topics of modem world drama, including playwrights who lived past 1899 (plus Blichner and Becque) and influential theatre figures other than performers. Reviews, reprinted books, unpublished theses, and graduate-student periodicals are generally excluded. The annual bibliography also serves as a supplement to my Modem Drama Scholarship and Criticism 1966-1980: An International Bibliography (University of Toronto Press, 1986). The checklist is divided as follows: A General (including reference works) B American C British and Irish D Commonwealth and Asian E Hispanic (including Portuguese) F French G Italian H Germanic (including Austrian, Swiss, and Dutch) J Scandinavian K Eastern European (Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Balkan, Baltic) Section A is restricted to material that would not fit in the better defined categories. I am indebted to the library staffs of SUNY - Binghamton, Cornell, and the Library of Congress. Abbreviations used in the checklist, besides those for the journals listed 172 An Annual Bibliography below, include the following for cities: Lon., NY, Bas., and Fr. (Frankfurt); Amer, Eng, Lit, Lang, Bibl, Assn, and Lib for the obvious; and UP to indicate "University Press" or any university's press. Further abbreviations - most of them self-evident - are Bul for Bulletin, J for Journal, Mag for Magazine, Q for Quarterly, and Rev for Review. Some items that J have just been able to examine are repeated from previous listings (in the volume as well as the journal) for the purpose of "expanding" them - indexing relevant sections under further subjects - or simply to correct them. These are marked "exp. entry" and "COlT. entry." JOURNAL ABBREVIATIONS ABnG Amsterdamer Beitrage DGQ Dramatists Guild zur Neueren Quarterly Gennanistik EAA Estudos AngloADS Australasian Drama Americanos Studies ELWIU Essays in Literature AlON-SGT Annali [stituto (Western Illinois Universitario Univ.) Orientale, Napoli, EOR Eugene O'Neill Sezione Gennanica: Review Studi Tedeschi ETh Essays in Theatre AP Altro Polo ExTL Explicaci6n de Textos AQD Ariel: Quadrimestrale Literarios di Drammaturgia . . FGL FGL: Boletin de la ATh American Theatre Fundaci6n Federico AUW Acta Universitatis Garda Lorea Wratislaviensis FK Filol6giai K6z16ny CanD Canadian Drama GBJ Georg Buchner CD Comparative Drama Jahrbuch CEGe Cahiers d'Etudes GerSR German Studies Gennaniques Review CER Cahiers d'Etudes GLaL Gennan Life and Romanes Letters cns Canadian Journal of GRM Gennanisch- .. Irish Studies Romanische cms G,anadian lournal of Monatsschrift Italian Studies IdD Ilha do Desterro CLAJ CLAJournal IJRS International Journal CLC Columbia Library of Rumanian Studies Columns JDTC Journal ofDramatic CML Classical and Modem Theory and Criticism Literature JEP Journal of Evolutionary Crill Critica Letteraria Psychology An Annual Bibliography 173 In. Journal of Irish SchM Schweizer Monatshefte Literature SHAW SHAW: The Annual KuL Kunst ond Literatur of Bernard Shaw LATR Latin American Studies Theatre Review Siglo Siglo XX/2oth Century LCrit Literary Criterion SID Slovenske Divadlo LdD Letras de Deusto SS Scandinavian Studies LQ Lettres Quebecoises Str Strindbergiana LitCh Literatura Chilena TCL Twentieth Century LOS Literary Onomastics Literature Studies TOR The Drama Review MD Modern Drama THC Theatre History in MuK Maske und Kothum Canada NCL Notes on Contemporary ThHS Theatre History Studies Literature ThJ Theatre Journal NigM Nigeria Magazine Th3 Theater Three NMIL Notes on Modem Irish ThY Theater (Yale) Literature TLL Travauxde NTQ New Theatre Quarterly Linguistique et de PintR Pinter Review Litterature PURBA Panjab University TPQ Text and Perfonnance Research Bulletin Quarterly (Arts) TRI Theatre Research RALS Resources for American International Literary Study Wap Women and RCEI .Revista Canaria de Perfonnance Estudios IngJeses WB Weimarer Beitriige RHT Revue d'Histoire du WLT World Literature Today Thtiltre WLWE World Literature RI Revista lberoamericana Written in English RL Revista de Literatura ZAA Zeitschrift ftir .(Madrid) Anglistik und RomN Romance Notes Arnerikanistik SAD Studies in American ZG Zeitschrift fOr Drama f945-Present Gennanistik SAJAL South African lournal of African Languages A: GENERAL AN"O MISCELLANEOUS I ABAD, FRANCISCO. 'Sabre el teatro como genera literario.' In [A471 n, 41...

