In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Modern Drama Studies: An Annual Bibliography CHARLESA.CARPENTER The present annual bibliography follows the basic principles and limitations described in the first installment of March 1974. The main objective is to record current scholarship, criticism, and commentary that may prove valuable to students of modern dramatic literature. The bibliography embraces all the expected areas and topics of modern world drama, including playwrights who lived past 1900 (plus Buchner and Becque) and influential men and women of the theatre other than performers. The checklist is divided as follows: A General (including reference works) B American C British and Irish D Commonwealth and Asian E Hispanic (including Portuguese) F French G Italian H Germanic (including Austrian;Swiss, and Dutch) J Scandinavian K Eastern European (Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, and Balkan) Section A is restricted to material that would not fit in the better-defined categories. Once again I am indebted to Professor J. Norman Wilkinson of Maine for submitting several Chinese drama/ theatre titles, and to the library staffs of Harvard, Cornell, and SUNY - Binghamton. Abbreviations used in the checklist, besides those for the journals listed below, include the first three letters of months and seasons (lan, Sum, etc.), Lon, NY, Bas, and Dub for the cities, Amer, Eng, Lit, Lang, Bibl, Assn, and Lib for the obvious, and UP to indicate a university press. An Annual Bibliography 223 Further abbreviations - most of them self-evid.ent - are Bul for Bulletin, I for Journal, Mag for Magazine, Q for Quarterly, Rev for Review, and St for Studies. ,JOURNAL ABBREVIATI ONS AFMUB Annali della Facolta JIG Jahrbuch flir Interdi Lettere e Filosofia, nationale Germanistik Universita di Bad JoBS Journal of Beckett AION-SGA Annali Istituto Uni- Studies versitario, Napoli, KanQ Kansas Quarterly Sezione Germanica: LATR Latin American Anglistic. Theatre Review ATON-SGN AnnaH Istituto Uni- LsL Limbii ~ i Literatura versitario, Napoli, MD Modem Drarna Sezione Gennanica: MLS Modern Language Studi Nederlandesi; Studies Studi Nordici MuK Maske und Kothurn ALT African Literature NYLF New York Literary Today Forum AUW Acta Universitatis OGL Osterreich in GeWratislaviensis schichte und Literatur BJ Brecht Jahrbuch PArJ Performing Arts B1S Black Scholar lournal CanD Canadian Drama PCL Perspectives on ConCD Comparative Drama temporary Literature CIS Claudel Studies PoT Poetics Today CRB Cahiers Renaud- Poz Pozoriste Barrault PQM Pacific Quarterly CREL Cahiers Roumains (Moana) d'£tudes Litteraires PrA Primer Acto CritL Critica Letteraria QT Quaderni di Teatro CTR Canadian Theatre QV Quaderni del Review Vittoriale DVLG Deutsche Vierteljahrs- RAL Research in African schrift fUr Literatur- Literatures wissenschaft und REH Revista de Estudios Geistesgeschichte Hispanicos DW Dialog (Warsaw) RevI Revista/ Review ELit J!:tudes Litteraires Interamericana EON Eugene O'Neill News- RFEA Revue Fran~aise des letter ::Btudes Americaines GLR Garcia Lorca Review RHT Revue d'Histoire du GrLR Great Lakes Review Theatre lIES Indian Journal of RID Rivista Italiana di English Studies D rammaturgia 224 A: General RLMC Rivista di Letterature TOR The Drama Review Moderne e Comparate THC Theatre History in RomN Romance Notes Canada/ Histoire du RSP Rivista di Studi Theatre au Canada Pirandelliani ThJ Theatre Journal Scen S::enarium ThQ Theatre Quarterly SCIA Studii §i Cercetari de ThY Theater (Yale) Istoria Artei: Seria TK Text & Kontext Teateu ... TRI Theatre Research Shaw SHAW: The Annual International of Bernard Shaw TWN Tennessee Williams Studies Newsletter STZ Sprache im Tech- WB Weimarer Beitdige nischen Zeitalter WLT World Literature TCL Twentieth Century Today Literature A: GENERAL 1 ADLER, THOMAS P . 'The mirror as stage prop in modem drama,' CD 14 (,SO) 355-73 (in Pirandello's It Is So, O'Neill's Touch of the Poet, Camus' Caligula, & Genet's BalcollY) 2 AMOSSY, RUTH, ED. 'Drama, theater, performance: a semiotic perspective: PoT 2 iii ('S1) 1-270: symposium 3 AVIGAL. SHOSHANA, & SHLOMITH RIMMON·KENAN. 'What do [Peter] Brook's bricks mean? Toward a theory of the "mobility" of objects in theatrical discourse.' PoT 2 iii (,81) 11-34 (part on Brook's '7S staging of larry's Ubu aux BouDes) 4 BABLET, DENIS, ED. Les voies de la creation theatrale: mises en scene allnees 20 et 30. Paris: CNRS, '79. 557p. 5 BARTOLUCCI, GlUSEPPE, & LORENZO & ACHILLE MANGO. Per un teafrO analitico-esistenziale: maleriali del teatro di ricerca. Turin: Studio Forma, 'SO. 196p...

