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Contributors Notes RICI-IARD FOULKES graduated with a degree in English Literature from the University of Wafes and then completed an M.A. in Drama and Theatre Arts at the University of Birmingham. He worked in Birmingham until 1973, when he became Lecturer in the Department of Adult Education at the University of Leicester. Since 1978, he nas been Warden of the Uni versity of Leicester Centre in Northampton. ALBERT E. KALSON is Associate Professor of English at Purdue University where he teaches dramatic literature and film. FIe is co-author (with A . A: DeVitis) of a study of the novels and plays of J. B. Priestley to be published in the Spring of 1980 by G. K. Hall & Co. His articles on Restoration and contemporary drama, mcluding pieces in Modern Drama on Tennessee Williams and David Storey, have appeared in various journals. LINN B. KONRAD. an Assistant Professor of French at the University of Texas at Austin, is presently working on a book about Maeterlinck's early thea tre. Another article on Maeterlinck's work, "Comment comprendre 'Ie tragique quotidien' de Maeterlinck?", appears in the 1979 issue of the Annates published by La Fondation Maunee Maeterlinck (Brussels). BYRON NELSON is Assistant Professor of English at West Virginia University. He went to college at the University of fIlinois and did ~raduate work at Illinois and the University of Wisconsin. He has publIshed articles on Milton, Puritanism, Anglican sermons, and opera production. TERRY L. PALLS was born in the United States, educated in Panama and Mexico. and received her doctorate in Spanish from the University of Kansas. She has taught at Northern [IlinOis University, the University of South Florida, and is presently teaching at New College of USF in Sarasota Florida. Her primary area of interest is contemporary Latin America~ theatre, and some of her work on post-revolutionary Cuban theatre has appeared in Lal~f~ American Thea~re ~eview and in. Latin American Literary Review. In additIOn to her contlOumg research 10 contemporary CUban theatre, she is presently engaged in studying the role of women in Latin American theatre and 10 translating plays by Latin American women playwrights into English. GEORGE PH ILLI PSON read English at Cambridge (Christ's College), and followed this with three years' research at Westfield College (University of London). He is at present writing his Ph.D. thesis on British theatre between the Wars, with particular attention to the trealment of political subjects therein. Hc is currently Icaching English and drama at a grammar school in south-west London. LESLIE SMITH is Principal Lecturer in English, and Course Tutor B.A. Honours Enclish, at the Pofylechnic of North London. His previous publications incrude articles on Joe Orton and Harold Pinter in Adam International Review, and on Edward Bond in Comparative Drama. ...

