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MODERN DRAMA: A Selective Bibliography of Works Published in English in 1967 ONE OF THE MOST NOTEWORTHY DEVELOPMENTS IN 1967 has been the emergence of several new publications with strong, if not exclusive, emphasis on modern drama. Modern International Drama, announced as "the magazine of contemporary international drama in translation ," is not likely to appear in these annual bibliographies, but it is certain that the publication is providing significant texts for critics to explore in articles which will be included here. Comparative Drama and Komos ("A Quarterly of Drama and Arts of the Theatre") are well launched, with results apparent in all sections of the 1967 bibliography. The Afro-Asian Theatre Bulletin is responding to the need for broader understanding of drama and theater emergent in areas of increasing interest to us. World Theatre is confusingly behind schedule in its publication, and it has become more difficult than ever to include its contents appropriately in the bibliography. The Drama Review (the new name for Tulane D'rama Review) has moved from New Orleans to New York with no significant change of editorial policy-and without interruption of its publication schedule. Plays and Players, although not a source of many bibliographical entries here, remains the only useful means of keeping abreast of the British theater, whether through its continuing policy of publishing current British plays or through its sometimes penetrating reviews of current productions . Year of publication is indicated here only for the few entries omitted or overlooked in the preparation of last year's bibliography. The following abbreviations have been used for publications appearing frequently in the entries: AGR ASR DC DS ETJ GL& L JIASRA MD American-German Review American-Scandinavian Review Drama Critique Drama Survey Educational Theatre Journal German Life & Letters Journal of the International Arthur Schnitzler Research Association Modern Drama 195 196 MLR NbQ PMLA PbP QJS Sh R TDR WT MODERN DRAMA Modern Language Review Notes & Queries Septernbet Publications of the Modern Language Association Plays and Players, incorporating Theatre World, Encore, Play Pictorial, Shows Illustrated Quarterly Journal of Speech Shaw Review The Drama Review (or Tulane Drama Review) World Theatre GENERAL Adelman, Irving, and Rita Dworkin, Modern Drama: A Checklist of Critical Literature on Twentieth Century Plays, Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow. Altshuler, Thelma, and R. Janam, This Is The Theatre, New York: Houghton MifHin. Anderson, Michael, "Dionysus and the Cultured Policeman," TDR, XI, iv, 99-104. Bentley, Eric, The Theatre of Commitment, New York: Atheneum. Barthes, Roland, "The Diseases of Costume" (translated by Richard Howard). Partisan Review, XXXIV, i, 89-97. Berne, Eric, "Notes on Games and Theatre" (from an interview by Arthur Wagner ), TDR, XI, iv, 89-91. Brustein, Robert, Seasons of Discontent: Dramatic Opinions I959-I965, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1966. Cheshire, David F., Theatre: History, Criticism and Reference, Hamden, Conn.: Archon; London: Bingley. Clay, James H., and Daniel S. Krempel, The Theatrical Image, New York: McGraw -Hill. Cleaver. James, Theatre Through the Ages, New York: Hart. Clurman, Harold, "Come Out, Wherever You Arel", Harper's, CCXXXIV, v, 111123 ยท ---, "The Critic and the Ideal," Encounter, XXVIII, iii, 33-35. Coen, Frank, "Teaching the Drama," English Journal, LVI, viii, 1136-1139. Coger, Leslie I., and Melvin R. White, Readers Theatre, Glenview: Scott, Foresman. Cohen, Marshall, "Theater 67," Partisan Review, XXXIV, iii, 436-444. Cohn, Ruby, "Theatrum Mundi and Contemporary Theater" Comparative Drama, I, 28-35. [Emphasis on Brecht, Beckett, Genet, and Weiss] Courtney, W. L., The Idea of Tragedy in Ancient and Modern Drama, New York: Russell and Russell. Currie, R. Hector, "The Energies of Tragedy: Cosmic and Psychic," Centennial Review, XI, 220-236. Fleischmann, Wolfgang B. (editor), Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century, Volume I: A-F, New York: Ungar. [Enlarged and updated edition of Herder, Lexikon der Weltliteratur im 20. Jahrhundert] Fletcher, John, "Confrontations: I. Harold Pinter, Roland Dubillard, and Eugene Ionesco. II. Arnold Wesker, John Arden, and Arthur Adamov. III. David Hume, Gilbert Ryle, and Alain Robbe-Grillet," Caliban, IV, 149-59. Freedman, Morris, The Moral Impulse: Modern Drama from Ibsen to the Present, Carbondale: Southern Illinois U. P. Geller, Robert, "The Absurd Theater: No Taste of Honey, But-," English Journal, LVI, v, 702-707. Gregory, Andre, "The Theatre of the Living...

