
In this article I address a long-standing issue in Machadian studies, that of the relationship between philosophy and literature in the fiction of Machado de Assis. I start by acknowledging my indebtedness to the studies that Abel Barros Baptista has recently dedicated to the Brazilian author. In his article, "A Reforma Hermenêutica: Acerca da legibilidade de Dom Casmurro," Baptista implies an anti-hermeneutical reading of Machado's novels and short stories in order to advocate for a "hermeneutical reform." With his contribution in mind, I proceed to question the theoretical and critical presuppositions of some of the most canonical readings that have been proposed to address the focus of this essay. I conclude by proposing a reading of the short story "O espelho: Esboço de uma nova teoria da alma humana," which exemplifies the principles that I sustain as being indispensable for addressing the issue of the relationship between philosophy and literature, that is, the philosophical relevance of literature as much as the literary relevance of philosophy.
