In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Dedication

It is with great sadness that the editors of Linguistic Inquiry note the death of Nancy Bromberger (b. 5 January 1925; d. 4 April 2014), wife for almost 65 years of Sylvain Bromberger and mother of Daniel and Allen, and it is with much gratitude that we dedicate this issue of the journal to her. Nancy’s name first appeared on LI’s masthead in Volume 9, Number 2 (Spring 1978) as its official proofreader. She held that position for 28 years, during which time her uncanny abilities were a major factor in the journal’s ability to represent the work of its authors unblemished by error. When she retired, the journal said goodbye to a professional whose level of excellence remains unsurpassed. Its readers and contributors owe her a debt of gratitude for the work memorialized in the pages of this journal. Nancy remained in contact with the journal long after she retired. We have lost a colleague and a friend.


