In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 36

Absolutive Hypothesis, 36.3 Gordon and Hendrick

Accusative Case parameter, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni

extraction, 36.4 Den Dikken
movement, 36.4 Citko
Quantifier Raising (QR), 36.4 Citko
wh-questions, 36.4 Citko

Adjective (A)/Adjectives, 36.1 Hankamer and Mikkelsen, 36.3 Cinque
in Japanese, 36.1 Nishiyama

predicational, 36.1 Nishiyama
wh-, 36.1 Soh

Affixes, 36.2 Nevins
Korean/Japanese inflectional morphemes, 36.4 Koopman
See also Suffixes

Agglutinative languages, 36.4 Koopman

Agree (probe-goal), 36.1 Chomsky, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand, 36.2 Collins, 36.3 Cinque, 36.4 Citko, 36.4 Den Dikken, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards
multiple, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards

Agreement, 36.1 Chomsky, 36.1 Oltra-Massuet and Arregi, 36.3 Cinque, 36.4 Authier and Reed, 36.4 Den Dikken, 36.4 Holmberg, 36.4 Koopman, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards, 36.4 Ritter and Rosen
Ā-, 36.4 Ritter and Rosen
anti-, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand
Case, 36.4 Citko
cross-clausal, 36.4 Ritter and Rosen
definiteness, 36.1 Hankamer and Mikkelsen, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand
in Korean, 36.4 Koopman
in Scottish Gaelic, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand

Agreement node (Agr), 36.3 Cinque, 36.4 Holmberg, 36.4 Koopman
checking an EPP-feature, 36.4 Holmberg

Agreement Phrase (AgrP), 36.3 Cinque

bound variable, 36.2 Büring

Anaphors, 36.2 Büring, 36.3 Elbourne, 36.4
Ritter and Rosen

Antecedent-contained deletion (ACD). See Deletion

Antisymmetry, 36.2 Collins, 36.3 Kural, 36.4 Citko, 36.4 Koopman
dynamic, 36.2 Collins, 36.4 Citko

A-over-A Principle, 36.1 Chomsky, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards

Applicative constructions, 36.2 Collins, 36.3 Boeckx and Hornstein, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards
in Tagalog, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards

Applicative Phrase (ApplP), 36.2 Collins, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards

Arguments, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni
applicativized, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards

Argument structure, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni

Arity operations, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni
valence-reducing, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni

Arrays, 36.3 Kural
preserving the order of terminal nodes, 36.3 Kural

Articulators, 36.1 Halle

Assimilation, 36.1 Halle

Attach, 36.3 Kural

Attract, 36.1 Chomsky
Shortest Attract, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards

Autosegmental phonology, 36.1 Halle

Auxiliary selection, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni

Binding, 36.2 Büring, 36.3 Elbourne, 36.3
Reinhart and Siloni
[End Page 663] A-/Ā-, 36.4 Ritter and Rosen
co-binding, 36.2 Büring
selective, 36.2 Lin
semantic, 36.2 Büring
variable, 36.4 Rackowski and Richards
by a wh-operator, 36.3 Elbourne

Binding theory, 36.2 Büring, 36.3 Elbourne
acquisition of, 36.3 Elbourne
Condition/Principle B, 36.2 Büring, 36.3 Elbourne, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni
Condition/Principle C, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand, 36.2 Büring, 36.3 Elbourne
Rule H, 36.2 Büring
Rule I: Intrasentential Coreference, 36.2 Büring, 36.3 Elbourne

Biolinguistics, 36.1 Chomsky

rebracketing, 36.2 Harris and Halle

Case, 36.1 Chomsky, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand, 36.2 Collins, 36.3 Boeckx and Hornstein, 36.3 Cowper, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni, 36.4 Citko, 36.4
Ritter and Rosen
abstract, 36.4 Ritter and Rosen
accusative, 36.3 Boeckx and Hornstein, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni
in Korean, 36.4 Koopman
multiple checking of, 36.4 Citko
nominative, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand
quirky, 36.1 Chomsky
in Scottish Gaelic, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand
unvalued, 36.1 Chomsky

Case-matching requirement, 36.4 Citko

Category Preservation Principle, 36.2 LaCharité and Paradis

Category Proximity Principle, 36.2 LaCharité and Paradis

Causative constructions
CAUSE, 36.3 Elbourne
in French, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni

decausativization, 36.3 Reinhart and Siloni

C-command, 36.2 Büring, 36.2 Collins, 36.3 Gualmini and Crain
in child grammar, 36.3 Gualmini and Crain

Child grammar, 36.3 Elbourne, 36.3 Gualmini and Crain

Clash Avoidance, 36.1 Oltra-Massuet and Arregi

Clefts, 36.2 Adger and Ramchand, 36.4 Authier and Reed...

