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  • Contributors to This Issue

Jeffrey S. Hardy is Assistant Professor of History at Brigham Young University. He is currently completing a monograph on the Soviet penal system under Khrushchev and recently authored “Gulag Tourism: Khrushchev’s ‘Show’ Prisons in the Cold War Context, 1954–59,” Russian Review 71, 1 (2012): 49–78. Future projects include studies devoted to placing the Gulag in a comparative and transnational context and to exploring the theory and practice of corrections in Russia from the late imperial period to the present day.

Mikhail Loukianov, Professor at the Department of Modern Russian History at Perm´ State University, is the author of Rossiiskii konservatizm i reforma, 1907–1914 (Russian Conservatism and Reform, 1907–14 [1st ed., 2001; 2nd ed., 2006]) and has published in Slavic Review, Kritika, Russian History, and the Journal of Modern Russian History and Historiography. He is currently working on a book on Russian conservative ideologies and politics during the Great War.

Addis Mason is Lecturer in Modern European History at the University of New Hampshire. She wrote her dissertation on “Mikhail Bakunin, Vissarion Belinskii, and the Problem of Russian National Identity, 1836–1849” and is currently examining alternative, non-ethnic, and non-exclusive forms of nationalism in imperial Russia.

Benjamin Nathans, Ronald S. Lauder Endowed Term Associate Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia (2002), is currently completing a history of the Soviet dissident movement. His essays have appeared in The Nation, the London Review of Books, and the Jewish Review of Books.

Donald Ostrowski is Research Advisor in the Social Sciences and Lecturer at Harvard University’s Extension School, where he teaches world history. His [End Page 253] publications include Muscovy and the Mongols: Cross-Cultural Influences on the Steppe Frontier, 1304–1589 (1998); The Povest´ vremennykh let: An Interlinear Collation and Paradosis (2003); and, coedited with Marshall Poe, Portraits of Old Russia: Imagined Lives of Ordinary People, 1300–1725 (2011). He also chairs the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies’ Early Slavists Seminars at Harvard University.

Aigi Rahi-Tamm is Senior Research Fellow in Archival Studies at the University of Tartu and the author of 1949. aasta märtsiküüditamine Tartu linnas ja maakonnas (The March 1949 Deportation in the City and County of Tartu [1998]). Her work concerns repression policies and social history during the Soviet and Nazi occupations of Estonia. She is currently working on two projects: “Estonia during the Cold War” (SF0180050s09) and “Practices of Recording Memory: Continuities in the Twentieth Century” (ETF8190).

Andrew B. Stone is Society of Scholars Fellow at the University of Washington’s Simpson Center for the Humanities. He is currently finishing his Ph.D. dissertation, “Growing Up Soviet? The ‘Orphans of Stalin’s Revolution’ and Understanding the Soviet Self.” This project examines questions of subjectivity, identity, and memory among Soviet orphans in the Stalin period, investigating the Soviet children’s home as an institution for producing “Soviet subjects.” The article featured in this volume is the beginning of an ongoing research project on history and memory among Soviet POWs.

Mikhail Suslov is senior research fellow at the Russian Institute for Cultural Research in Moscow and a visiting researcher at the Uppsala Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. His Ph.D. thesis, defended in 2009 at the European University Institute, is on “Russian Geopolitical Utopias in Comparative Perspective, 1880–1914.” His recent publications include “Neo-Slavophilism and the Revolution of 1905–07: A Study in the Ideology of S. F. Sharapov,” Revolutionary Russia 24, 1 (2011): 33–58; and “ ‘Slavophilism Is True Liberalism’: The Political Utopia of S. F. Sharapov (1855–1911),” Russian History 38, 2 (2011): 281–314.

Alexey Tikhomirov is Marie Curie Fellow at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London. He is currently working on a book-length project on “Forced Trust: Emotional Bonds between People and State in Soviet Russia, 1917–1991: A History of Trust and Distrust.” [End Page 254] He is also the author of “Luchshii drug nemetskogo naroda”: Kul´t Stalina v Vostochnoi Germanii (1945–1961 gg.) [The “Best Friend of the German People”: The Stalin Cult...

