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  • Contributors to This Issue

Natalia Avtonomova is glavnyi nauchnyi sotrudnik at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Institute for Advanced Research in the Humanities, Russian State University for the Humanities. She has written many articles, as well as books on French structuralism and poststructuralism and on rationality as an epistemological problem. Her most recent works are Poznanie i perevod: Opyty filosofii iazyka (Cognition and Translation: Attempts at a Philosophy of Language [due in 2008]) and Grani russkoi filologii: Iakobson—Bakhtin—Lotman—Gasparov (Prophets of Russian Philology: Jakobson, Bakhtin, Lotman, and Gasparov [forthcoming in 2009])

Wladimir Berelowitch is directeur d’études at the École des hautes études des sciences sociales and directeur-adjoint of the Centre d’études du mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen. He is the author (with Olga Medvedkova) of Histoire de Saint-Pétersbourg (A History of St. Petersburg [1996]) and of numerous articles on Russian social and cultural history in the 18th and 19th centuries. His main areas of interest are the education of 18th-century Russian elites in a European context and Russian historiography in the late 19th to early 20th centuries.

Alain Blum, a member of Kritika’s editorial board, is directeur d’études at the École des hautes études des sciences sociales and directeur of the Centre d’études du mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen. His most recent book (with Martine Mespoulet) is L’anarchie bureaucratique: Statistique et pouvoir sous Staline (Bureaucratic Anarchy: Statistics and Power under Stalin [2003]), which appeared in Russian translation in 2006.

Juliette Cadiot is maître de conférence at the École des hautes études des sciences sociales. Her recent publications include Le laboratoire impérial: Russie–URSS, 1860–1940 (The Imperial Laboratory: Russia and the USSR, 1860–1940 [2007]) and “Searching for Nationality: Statistics and National Categories at the End of the Russian Empire,” Russian Review 64, 3 (2005): 440–55. [End Page 277]

Nathaniel Knight is Associate Professor of History at Seton Hall University. He has published a number of articles exploring the intersection of nationality and scholarship in 19th-century Russia. He is currently completing a monograph on the history of Russian ethnography.

Marlène Laruelle is Research Fellow at the Central Asia and Caucasus Institute, School for Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, and chercheur associé at the Centre d’études du mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen. Her Eurasianism in Russia: The Ideology of Empire will appear in the spring of 2008.

Susan Gross Solomon, a member of Kritika’s editorial board, is Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto. In the spring of 2007, she was Canadian Institute for Health Research/Centre nationale de la recher-che scientifique exchange professor in Paris. She has recently edited Doing Medicine Together: Germany and Russia between the Wars (2006) and (with Lion Murard and Patrick Zylberman) Shifting Boundaries of Public Health: Europe in the Twentieth Century (2008). She is currently working on a monograph, “Bringing Russia Home: American and German Health Experts and ‘Red’ Medicine, 1921–36.”

Alessandro Stanziani is directeur de recherche of the Centre national de la recherche scientifique and the École normale supérieure de Cachan. His recent publications include Histoire de la qualité alimentaire (History of Food Quality [2005]) and Dictionnaire historique de l’économie-droit (A Historical Dictionary of Economic Law [2007]). He is currently conducting several related research projects on Russian and world labor history in the 18th–20th centuries.

Vera Tolz is Sir William Mather Professor of Russian Studies at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom. She has published widely on various aspects of Russian nationalism and the relationship between academics and political power in the early Soviet period. She is currently working on a project on Oriental Studies and Russian national identity in the 1870s–1920s. Her publications related to this project include “Orientalism, Nationalism, and Ethnic Diversity in Late Imperial Russia,” Historical Journal 48, 1 (2005): 127–50.


