In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editorial Consultants

During the period October 1997 through October 1998, those who evaluated papers for the Journal include, in addition to the scholars listed on the masthead, the following:

Donald Ainslie Lorraine Code
University of Toronto York University
Robert Almeder Eve Browning Cole
Georgia State University University of Minnesota
Karl Ameriks J. Thomas Cook
University of Notre Dame Rollins College
Margaret Atherton Donald Cress
University of Wisconsin Northern Illinois University
Donald Baxter Stephen Crites
University of Connecticut Wesleyan University
Tom L. Beauchamp Philip Cummins
Kennedy Institute of Ethics University of Iowa
Georgetown University Howard Curzer
John Biro Texas Tech
University of Oklahoma Stephen H. Daniel
David Blumenfeld Texas A & M University
Georgia State University Stephen Darwall
John Boler University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Washington
Martha Brandt Bolton John Deigh
Rutgers University Northwestern University
David Boucher Douglas Den Uyl
University College of Swansea Bellarmine College
Harry M. Bracken Idit Dobbs-Weinstein
Arizona State University Vanderbilt University
John Bricke Brian Domino
University of Kansas Eastern Michigan University
Sarah Waterlow Broadie Stephen Dumont
Rutgers University Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Gregory Brown Elmer Duncan
University of Houston Baylor University
Jill Vance Buroker Blake Dutton
California State University Loyola University
David Burrell B. Jeffrey Edwards
University of Notre Dame SUNY at Stonybrook
John Bussanich Lorne Falkenstein
University of New Mexico University of Western Ontario
Joseph Catalano Maurice Finnocchiaro
Kean College University of Nevada, Las Vegas
John Carriero Daniel E. Flage
University of California James Madison University
Donald Scott Carson Robert Fogelin
Ohio University Dartmouth College
Vere Chappell Eckart Forster
University of Massachusetts University of Munich
Maudemarie Clark Daniel Frank
Colgate University University of Kentucky

[End Page 655]

Lois Frankel Sarah Hutton
Educational Testing Services Hatfield Polytechnic
Michael Friedman John Inglis
Indiana University University of Dayton
David M. Gallagher S. T. D. James
Catholic University of America University of Cambridge
Daniel Garber David Jopling
University of Chicago York University
Don J. Garrett Lawrence Jost
University of Utah University of Cincinnati
Jan Garrett Charles Kahn
Western Kentucky University University of Pennsylvania
Eugene Garver Pierre Keller
St. John's College Yale University
Volker Gerhardt Christopher Kelley
Philosophisches Seminar
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitt
Boston College
Salim Kemal
Lloyd Gerson University of St. Andrews
University of Toronto Kenneth Laine Ketner
Hanna Ginsborg Texas Tech University
University of California, Berkeley Philip Kitcher
John Glenn Jr. University of California, San Diego
Tulane University
David K. Glidden Pauline Kleingeld
University of California, Riverside Washingon University
Francisco J. Gonzalez Jane Kneller
Skidmore College Colorado State University
E. Herbert Granger Jill Kraye
Wayne State University Warburg Institute
Charles L. Griswold Norman Kretzmann
Boston University Cornell University
Jean Grondin Manfred Kuehn
Université de Montréal Purdue University
Paul Guyer Mark Kulstad
University of Pennsylvania Rice University
Knud Haakonssen Charles Landesman
Boston University Hunter College, CUNY
Jeremiah Hackett Charles Larmore
University of South Carolina University of Chicago
Martin Harvey John Christian Laursen
New York City University of California, Riverside
Alan Hausman Brian Leftow
Hunter College, CUNY Fordham University
Herbert Hochberg Donald Livingston
University of Texas, Austin Emory University
Paul Hoffman Sharon Lloyd...

