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BOOKS RECEIVED 535 logical world-view, underestimating, I think, his realism and commitment to the irreducibly plural. Rosenthal ranges over Peirce, Dewey, Lewis, and Mead, explains how false dichotomies evaporate when we attend to the interactive unity at the heart of lived experience, stresses biologically-rooted experimental activity and provides a nice primer on the key dimensions of pragmatism (temporality, creativity, novelty, fallibilism, pluralism, perspectivalism). Singer straightforwardly reviews Rorty's critique of metaphysics and then sketches Randall's systematic, instrumentalist metaphysics as one consistent with antifoundationalist strictures, without mental mirrors or neutral frameworks. Finally, Kathleen Wallace helpfully develops a conception of metaphysics, defined by the goal of conceptual (re-)orientation at an apt level of generality, to address questions of validation more constructively than the nonfoundationalisms of Rorty, Rescher, and Davidson. The paper's clarity and organization should make it useful to students as well as professionals. JEFFREY TLUMAK Vanderbilt University BooKs RECEIVED Atherton, Margaret, editor. Women Philosophersof the Early Modern Period. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994. Pp. x + 166. Cloth, $29-95- Paper, $6.95. Benhabib, Seyla et al. Feminist Contentions:A PhilosophicalExchange. New York: Roufledge, 1995. Pp. 176. Paper, $14.95. Berman, Art. Preface to Modernism. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1995. Pp. xii + 354Cloth , $39-95. Paper, $15-95Berry , Christopher J. The Idea of Luxury: A Conceptual and Historical Investigation. New York: Cambridgee University Press, 1994.Pp. xiv + 271. Cloth, $69.95. Paper, $24.95. Blackburn, Simon, editor. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. Pp. xii + 4o8. Cloth, $35.o0. Bohm, David. Thought as a System. London: Routledge, 1994. Pp. xvii + 25o. Paper, $16.95. Burke, Tom. Dewey'sNew Log~: A Reply to Russell. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, t994. Pp. xii + 288. Cloth, $32.o0. Cohen, Richard A. Elevations: The Height of the Goodin Rosenzweigand Levinas. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994. Pp. xxii + 342. Cloth, $44.oo. Paper, $17.95. Collins, Ardis B., editor. Hegel on the Modern World. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995. Pp. xxi + 248. Board, $14.95. Cotkin, George. WiUiaraJames: Public Philosopher. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994. Pp. xii + 218. Paper, $17.95. Craig, Leon Harold. The War Lover: A Study of Plato's "'Republic."Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994.Pp. xxxviii + 439. Cloth, $65.o0. Crawford, Claudia. To Nietzsche:Dionysus,I loveyou/ Ariadne. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995. Pp. xvi + 308. Board, $16.95. Daniel, Stephen H. The PhilosophyofJonathan Edwards: A Study in Divine Semiotics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994. Pp. ix + 212. Cloth, $22.95. 536 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 33:3 JULY 1995 Disch, Lisa Jane. Hannah Arendt and theLimits of Philosophy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994. Pp. xiv + 226. Cloth, $29.95. Faivre, Antoine. Access to Western Esotericism. Albany: SUNY Press, 1994. Pp. x + 369. Board, $19.95. Fattori, Marta, editor. Less/c0Filosoficodei secoliXVII 9 XVIII. Sezione Latina Vol. I, 2 aetheriusanimosita ,s. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 1994. Pp. 44o. Paper, L Ioo,ooo. Ferr6, Frederick. Hellfire and Lightning Rods: Liberating Science,Technology,and Religion. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1993. Pp. xv + 923. Cloth, $94.95. Gillespie, Michael Allen. Nihihsm beforeNietzsche.Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. Pp. xxiv + 311. Cloth, $27.5o. Graeser, Andreas. Ernst Cussirer. Mtinchen: C. H. Beck, 1994. Pp. 235. Paper, DM 24.oo. G~ibel, Hans-Jiirgen. Prinzipto-Reduktionismus: Eine Naturphilosophie. Greven: Freie Politische Edition , 1993. Pp. 426. Paper, DM 65.oo. G6mez-Lobo, Alfonzo. The Foundations of Socratic Ethics. Revised and translated by the author from La etica de Socrates, 1989. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994. Pp. v + 149. Cloth, $29.95. Hilgevoord, Jan, editor. Physics and Our View of the World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Pp. ix + 3o4 . Paper, $22.95. Horton, John and Susan Mendus, editors. AfterMaclntyre: CriticalPerspectiveson the Work ofAlasdair Maclntyre. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1994. Pp. ix + 392. Cloth, $39.95. Hut~scar, Antonio Rodrigu. Jos~ Ortegay Gaaset'sMetaphysicallnnovatwn: A Critiqueand Overcoming of Idealism. Translated by Jorge Garcia-G6mez. Albany: SUNY Press, 1995. Pp. xli + 199. Board, $14.95. Jamros, Daniel P. The Human Shape of God: Religion in Hegel's Phenomenologyof Spirit. New York: Paragon House, 1994. Pp. x + 289. Cloth, $29.95. Janicaud, Dominique. Heidegger: From Metaphys/cs to Thought...

