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BOOKS RECEIVED BOOKS RECEIVED LSI, Allen, Michael J B. lcastes: Marsilio Ficino's Interpretation of Plato's "Sophist." Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989. Pp. x + 317 . $35.oo. Attali, Jacques. L2gnesd'horizon. Paris: Fayard, 199o. Pp. 214. Paper, FF 75. Roger Bacon. Three Treatments of Universals. Translated, with Introduction and Notes by Thomas S. Maloney. Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, Vol. 66. Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1989. Pp. vii + 161. NP. Baudry, Leon, editor. The Quarrel over Future Contingents (Louvain 1465-1475): Unpublished Texts. Translated by Rita Guerlac. Synthese Historical Library. Texts and Studies in the History of Logic and Philosophy, Vol. 36. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989. Pp. x + 454. DFL 23o. Bellatalla, Luciana Tra cuore e ragione. La "filosofia filantropica" di Jane Addams. Milan: Franco Angeli, 1989 pp, 116. Paper, L Benitez, E. E. Forms in Plato's "Fhilebu.~." Assen/Maastricht, The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1989. Pp. x "+ 159 DFL4z.5o. Bishop, Peter. The Myth of Shang-m-La: Tibet, Travel Writing and the Western Creation of Sacred Landscape. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ~99o. Pp. + 308. $~9-95Brocchieri , Mt. Fumaga~tii Beonio, and M. Parodi. 5toria dellafilasofia medievale. Da l~t~ezioa Wyctif. Rome: Editori Laterza, t989. Pp. xix + 50o. L Buck-Morss, Susan. The D~alectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Pra)ect. Cambridge: The MIT Press, t989, Pp. xii + 492. NP. Busch, Thomas W. The Power of Consciousness and the Force of Circumstances in Sartre's Phdosophy. Studies in Continental Thought. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 199o. Pp xiv + 1 12. $19.95 Capaldi, Nicholas Hume's Place in Moral Philosophy. Studies in Moral Philosophy, Vol. 3, New York: Peter Lang, 1989. Pp. xii + 38o. $54.5 o. Carr, Thomas M , Jr. Descartes and the Resilience of Rhetoric: Varieties of Cartesian Rhetorical Theory. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 199o. Pp. xi + 212. $22.95. Casti, John, and Anders Karlqvist, editors. Newton to Aristotle: Toward a Theory of Modelsfor Living Systems. Mathematical Modeling, No. 4. Boston: Birkh~iuser, 1989. Pp. vi + 283. $49.oo. Chan, Wing-Tsit. Chu Hsi: New Studies. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1989. Pp. viii + 6e8. $4o.oo. Chinchore, Mangala R. Dharmakirti's Theory ofHetu-Centricity ofAnumana. Buddhist Tradition, VoL 5. Delhi: Motilal Barnarsidass Publishers, 1989. Pp. xvii + 193. NP. Clulee, Nicholas H .John Dee'sNatural Philosophy: Between Science and Religion. London: Routledge, 1988. Pp. xiv + 347. Paper, NP. Cooney, William, editor. Contributions of GabrielMarcel to Philosophy:A Collectiono]Essays~Problems in Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. 18. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1989, Pp. xviii + 192+$59.95. Catkin, George. WdliamJames, Yubhr Philosopher. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 199o- Pp. xii + z~8. $3z.5o. Dale, Peter Allan. In Pursuit of a Scientific Culture: Science, An, and Society in the Victorian Age. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. Pp. ix + 33& Cloth, $4~.5 o. Paper, $t75o, Quatrem&e de Quincy. Consid&ationa morales sur la destination des ouvrages de l'art. Suwi de Lettres sur l'enl~oement des ouvrages de l'art antique gtAth~nes et d Rome. Corpus des oeuvres de philosophic 152 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 29:1 JANUARY ~99 1 en langue fram;aise. Ouvrage publi6 avec le concours du Centre National des Lettres. Paris: Fayard, 1989. Pp. 249. FF 15o. Ren[ Descartes. The Passions of the Soul: An English Translation of "Les Passions de l'fime." Translated and Annotated by Stephen Voss. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1989. Pp. xxv + x65. Cloth, $22.50. Paper, $4.95. Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, x: Abam(m)on ~ Axiothea. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1989. Pp. 838. NP. Donini, Pier Luigi. Ethos. Aristotele e il determinismo. Culture antiche, studi e testi, 2. Torino: Edizioni Dell'Orso, 1989. Pp. v + 154. Paper, L 3o.000. Earman, John. World Enough and Space-Time: Absolute versus Relational Theories of Space and Time. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1989. Pp. xiv + 233. $25.oo. Eccles, John C. Evolution of the Brain: Creation of the Self. London: Routledge, 1989. Pp. xv + 282. $25.00. Edel, Abraham. Interpreting Education. Frontiers of Education. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, 1989...

