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BOOKS RECEIVED 505 achievements of Dr. Corti, partly in his activities as a distinguished Swiss public leader, partly in connection with his work as director of the Archly fiir genetische Philosophie in Winterthur. HERBERT W. SCHNEIDER Claremont, California BOOKS RECEIVED First Editions Adler, Mortimer. The Time of Our Lives: The Ethics of Common Sense. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, I970. Pp. xiii+361. $7.95. Allen, Gay Wilson. William lames. Pamphlets on American Writers, Number 88. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota, 1970. Pp. 48. $.95. Bahm, Archie. Directory o[ American Philosophers. V 1970-71. Alburquerque: Archie I. Bahm, I970. Pp. 436. $I4.95. Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo: A Biography. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1969. Pp. 463. Paper. $2.95. A review of this book appeared in the Journal, ~ 4, Vol. 6. Cailliet, Emile. Journey Into Light. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1968. Pp. 117. $3.95. Cantore, Enrico. Atomic Order: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Microphysics. (~mbridge (Mass.): The MIT Press, 1969. Pp. xi+334. $12.50. Caponigri, A. Robert. Philosophy from the Renaissance to the Romantic Age. A History of Western Philosophy. Volume III. Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1963. Pp. 582. $12. Deleuze, Gilles. Spinoza. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1970. Pp. 126. FR 7. In the series of Handbooks for Students entitled: Les Precis des Classes Sup~rieures: Philosophes. Dennett, D. C. Content and Consciousness: An Analysis of Mental Phenomena. International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method. New York: Humanities Press, 1969. Pp. xii+ 198. $6. Eriekson, Stephen A. Language and Being: An Analytic Phenomenology. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1970. Pp viii+165. $6.50. Farm, K. T. Wittgenstein's Conception of Philosophy. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, I969. Pp. xiv+ 178. $5. Fischer, J. L. The Case of Socrates. Prague: Academia Nakladatelstvi ~eskovenskd Akademie V~d, 1969. Pp. 91. Rozpravy (~eskoslovensk6 Akademie V~d. Rada Spole~ensk~ch V~d, 1969. Ro~nfk 79, Se~it 8. Gelven, Michael. A Commentary on Heidegger's "'Being and Time." New York: Harper Torehbooks (Harper & Row), 1970. Pp. xv+234. Paper, $2.95. Gosling, J. C. B. Pleasure and Desire: The Case for Hedonism Reviewed. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1969. Pp. 179. $4.95. Gotshalk, D. W. The Structure of Awareness. Introduction to a Situational Theory of Truth and Knowledge. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1969. Pp. ix+139. $5.95. Hadot, Ilsetraut. Seneca: Und die Griechisch-Ri~mische Tradition der Seelenleitung. Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Philosophic. Band XIII. I969. Berlin: Walter De Gruyter & Co., 1969. Pp. 232. DM 38. Hamblin, C. L Fallacies. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1970. Pp. 326. $8.75. Hofstadter, Albert. Agony and Epitaph: Man, his art, and his poetry. New York: George Braziller, 1970. Pp. xv+267. $7.50. 506 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Horosz, William. The Promise and Peril of Human Purpose: The New Relevance of Purpose to Existence. St. Louis: Warren H. Green, 1970. Pp. xvq-334. $15. Hubscher, Arthur. LL Schopenhauer-Jahrbuch /fir dos Jahr 1970. Frankfurt: Verlag Waldemar K.ramer, 1970. Pp. x+221. James, E'. O. Creation and Cosmology: A Historical and Comparative Inquiry. Studies in the History of Religions (supplements to numen) XVI. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969. Pp. xi+ 148. James, William. The Meaning of Truth. A Sequel to "'Pragmatism." New intro. Ralph Ross. Ann Arbor: The Univ. of Michigan Press, 1970. Pp. xliii+298. Paper, $3.45. This is the first edition by Ann Arbor Paperbacks. Originally published in New York in 1909. Kauffman, Donald T. The Dictionary of Religious Terms. Westwood: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1967. Pp. 445. 11,000 definitions of religious terminology, etc. Kirk, G. S. Myth, Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures. gather Classical Lectures. Berkeley and Los Angeles: Univ. of California Press, 1970. Pp. xii+299. $7.95. La Libertd et l'Ordre Social Textes des conferences et des entretiens organis~s par les Rencontres Internationales de Gen~ve, 1969. Keba M'Baye; Paul Ric0eur; Raymond Aron; Ignacy Sachs; Herbert Marcuse; Cardinal Dani61ou. Boudry-Neuch[itel: Les Editions de la Baconni~re, 1969. Pp. 334. Paper. Histoire et Soci~t~ d'Aujourd'hui. II a ~t~ tir~ 20...

