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358 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY criticism of the folklore of romantic "progress" (pp. 353-359). But "emergent evolution," which is full of folklore, must be definitely distinguished from "critical naturalism," which accepts "emergents," as Darwin did, without regarding them as either "explanations" or as a theory of evolutionary "levels." It seems to me that one of the important philosophical consequences of Darwin's biology has been the discarding of evolutionary theories of progress in both social sciences and philosophies of existence. This is admitted by the authors, but with an excess of complications. Part IV, on the "Contemporary Scene," reveals how difficult it is to separate the elements of romantic folklore from science in positivist and phenomenological methods of philosophic criticism . And it tempts the reader as well as the author (George Geiger) to believe that a new folklore is rapidly emerging from critical philosophies, thus giving future philosophers fresh fodder. HERBERT W. SCHNEIDER CIareraont, Cali]ornia BooKs RECEIVED Addis, Laird, and Douglas Lewis, Moore and Ryle: Two Ontologists. Iowa City, University of Iowa; The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1965. v[i] + 184 pp. Iowa Publications in Philosophy, Volume 2. Paper, Guilders 1620. Allen, Reginald I~].,ed., Greek Philosophy: Thales to Aristotle. With Introduction. New York, The Free Press; London, Collier-Macmillan Ltd. [1966]. viii + 389 pp. = Readings in the History of Philosophy. Paperback FP 90050.$'2.45. Arnauld, Antoine et Pierre Nicole, La logique ou l'art de penser, contenant, outre les r~gles communes, plusieurs observations nouvelles, propres ~ ]ormer le jugement. Edition critique par Pierre Clair et Francois Girbal. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1965. 429 [2] pp. (Ouvrage publi6 avcc le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) = Le Mouvement des Idles au XVII" Si~cle, 3. F. 28.Audry , Colette, Sartre et la Rdalitg humaine. Pr6sentation, choix de textes, bibliographie par Colette Audry. Paris, Editions Seghers [1966]. 192 pp : Philosophes de Tousles Temps, 23. Barth61emy-Madaule, Madeleine, Bergson: Adversaire de Kant. Etude critique de la conception bergsonienne du kantisme suivie d'une bibliographie kantienne. Pr6face de Vladimir Jank~l~vitch. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1966. viii + 276 pp. -- Biblioth~que de Philosophic Contemporaine. F. 16.Boas , George, The Cult o] Childhood. London, Warburg Institute, University of London, 1966. 106 pp., pl. (portr.) ----Studies of the Warburg Institute, ed. by E. H. Gombrich, Yol. 29. s Bosanquet, Bernard, Three Lectures on Aesthetic. Ed. with Introduction by RaIph Ross. Indianapolis, New York, The Bobbs-Merrill Co. [1963].xv + 64 pp. =- The Library of Liberal Arts, 154.95r (Originally published in 1915.) Boscovich, Roger Joseph, S.J., A Theory o] Natural Philosophy. English ed. [Trans. and Preface by ft. M. Child] with A Short LiJe oJ Boseovich [by Branislav Petronievi6]. Published through the cooperation of Open Court Publishing Co., Cambridge, Mass., The M.I.T. Press [1966]. xxi + 229 pp., 75 fig. Paper $2.45. Bray, Bernard, ed., Jean Chapelain : Soixante-dix-sept lettres inddites ~ Nicolas Heinsius (16691658 ). Publi6es d'apr~s le manuscrit de Leyde avec une introduction et des notes. The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1966.viii + 467 pp. -- Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Id6es, 13. Buber, Martin, The Origin and Meaning o] Hasidism. Ed. and Trans. by Maurice Friedman. New York, Harper & Row [1966]. 254 pp. ----Harper Torchbooks, The Temple Library, TB 835. Paper $1.75. (Originally published 1960 by Horizon Press) Campanella, Tommaso, I Sacri Segni: Inediti Theologicorum Liber XXIV de Sacramentis. II: De Sacramento Eucharistiae. Testo critico e traduzione [Italiana] a cura di Romano Amerio. Roma, Centro Internazionale di Studi Umanistici, Edizioni Rinaseimento, 1966. 206 pp. ---Edizione Nazionale dei Classici del Peasiero Italiano, Serie II, 20. Cassirer, Ernst, The Logic o] the Humanities. Trans. Clarence Smith Howe. New Haven, Yale University Press [1966].xx + 217 pp. ==-A Yale Paperbound, Yale Y-153. $1.45. (First printing in 1061) Castelli, Enrico, ed., Logica e Analisi. Scritti di: P. Filiasi Carcano, V. Somenzi, E. Agazzi, F. Barone, C. Perelman, E. Paci, R. E~idi, S. Piro. Padova, Cedam, Casa Editrice Dott. Antonio Milani, 1966. 162 pp. = Archivio di Filosofia, Organo dell' Instituto di Studi Filosofici (Universits di Roma). L. 2.000. Cleve, Felix M., The Gianls o] Pre-Sophistiz Greek Philosophy. An attempt to reconstruct their thoughts. The...

