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  • Contributors

Kathryn Carter is an assistant professor of English and Contemporary Studies at Laurier Brantford where she specializes in Canadian women's literature, primarily the non-fiction life writing of nineteenth-century women. Her most recent book is The Small Details of Life: Twenty Diaries by Women in Canada: 1830-1996 (University of Toronto Press, 2002). Recent and forthcoming articles address the 1830 letter journal of Frances Simpson (in Australian-Canadian Studies) and diaries written by school girls in Canada at the end of the nineteenth century (in Canadian Children's Literature).

Jean Dryden's expertise in copyright has been developed over many years of experience as an archivist. As Chair of the Bureau of Canadian Archivists Copyright Committee, she played a lead role in successful lobbying for exceptions for libraries, archives and museums during the discussions leading to the 1997 amendments to the Copyright Act. Her business was established in 1998 to advise institutions, organizations, and individuals regarding current copyright matters and emerging copyright issues. She is the author of Demystifying Copyright: A Researcher's Guide to Copyright in Canadian Libraries and Archives. Her doctoral dissertation investigates the impact of copyright law on making the holdings of libraries and archives available on the Internet.


Kathleen Garay is an archivist and adjunct professor at McMaster University, currently teaching in the Arts and Science Programme. A medieval historian by training and a Canadianist by adaptation, her most recent books are The Life of Saint Douceline (with Madeleine Jeay, 2001), Marian Engel: Life in Letters (with Christl Verduyn, 2004) and (forthcoming) The Distaff Gospels (with Madeleine Jeay, 2006).

Patricia Godbout est professeure agrégée de traduction à l'Université de Sherbrooke. Elle est membre de l'Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec, de même que de l'Association des traducteurs et traductrices littéraires du Canada. Ses champs de spécialisation sont l'histoire de la traduction littéraire au Canada et la traduction de poésie. Elle est membre de deux équipes interuniversitaires de recherche subventionnée: le projet de rédaction d'un Dictionnaire des métiers du livre et de l'édition au Québec et au Canada français sous la direction de Jacques Michon et le projet de Bibliographie des études canadiennes comparées dirigé par le professeur émérite Antoine Sirois. Elle collabore aussi, avec Richard Giguère, au projet d'édition critique de la correspondance littéraire entre Louis Dantin et Alfred DesRochers 1928-1939), à paraître aux Presses de l'Université de Montréal. Elle a fait paraître en 2004 aux Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa un livre intitulé Traduction littéraire et sociabilité interculturelle au Canada (1950-1960).

Patricia Godbout is an associate professor of translation at the Université de Sherbrooke. She is a certified translator (Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec) and a member of the Literary Translators Association of Canada. Her main fields of research are the history of literary translation in Canada and the translation of poetry. She recently joined two subsidized research teams: a project to prepare a Dictionnaire des métiers du livre et de l'édition au Québec et au Canada français under Jacques Michon's supervision; and the update of an online bibliography of comparative Canadian literature, supervised by Professor Emeritus Antoine Sirois. She is also working, with Richard Giguère, on the critical edition of the literary correspondence between Louis Dantin and Alfred DesRochers (1928-1939), to be published by PUM (Presses de l'Université de Montréal). Her book entitled Traduction littéraire et sociabilité interculturelle au Canada (1950-1960) was published in 2004 by University of Ottawa Press.

Kathryn Harvey received her PhD in English from the University of Alberta in 1995 and her MLIS in 2005 with a thesis on the uses of administrative and descriptive archival metadata. Between these degrees she served as a post-doctoral fellow on the Orlando Project at the University of Alberta, an instructor of English at the University of Alberta as well as Dalhousie and Mount Saint Vincent Universities, the production manager of The Dalhousie Review, Executive Director...

