In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • In Forthcoming Issues

Gur Alroey, “‘Zionism without Zion’? Territorialist Ideology and the Zionist Movement, 1882–1956”

Dimitry Shumsky, “Leon Pinsker and ‘Autoemancipation!’: A Reevaluation”

Michal Friedman, “Jewish History as ‘Historia Patria’: José Amador de los Rios and the History of the Jews of Spain”

Ber Kotlerman, “‘And His Heart a Precious Violin’: The Musical Substratum of S. Y. Agnon’s ‘Toytntants’”

Lori Harrison-Kahan, “Scholars and Knights: W. E. B. Du Bois, J. E. Spingarn, and the NAACP”

Lisa Moses Leff, “Rescue or Theft? Zosa Szajkowski and the Salvaging of French Jewish History after World War II”

Shaul Magid, “The ‘American Jewish’ Holocaust and Jewish Identity: Uniqueness, Holocaust Memory, and the Universal”

Joanna Michlic, a review of books and a film on the Lodz Ghetto [End Page 184]


