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Index to InternationalSecuxity Volume 13, Summer 1988-Spring 1989 Adams, Gordon, and Stephen Alexis Cain, ”Defense Dilemmas in the 1990s” 13:4, Spring 1989, 5-15. Bing, George F., Michael M. May, and John D. Steinbruner, ”Strategic Arsenals After Brooks, Linton, “Nuclear SLCMs Add to Deterrence and Security” 13:3, Winter 19881 Brown, Paul S., and John D. Immele, ”Correspondence: An Exchange on Stockpile START: The Implications of Deep Cuts” 13:1, Summer 1988, 90-133. 89, 169-174. Confidence” [re: Fetter 12:3] 13:1, Summer 1988, 196-215. Cain, Stephen Alexis, and Gordon Adams, ”Defense Dilemmas in the 1990s” 13:4, Chalmers, Malcolm, and Lutz Unterseher, ”Correspondence: The Tank Gap Data Chalmers, Malcolm, and Lutz Unterseher, “Is There a Tank Gap? Comparing NATO Cohen, Eliot A., “Correspondence: Reassessing Net Assessment” [reply to MearCohen , Eliot A., “Toward Better Net Assessment: Rethinking the European ConvenSpring 1989, 5-15. Flap” [reply to Zaloga 13:4] 13:4, Spring 1989, 187-194. and Warsaw Pact Tank Fleets” 13:1, Summer 1988, 5-49. sheimer and Posen 13:4] 13:4, Spring 1989, 160-179. tional Balance” 13:1, Summer 1988, 50-89. Dingman, Roger, ”Atomic Diplomacy During the Korean War” 13:3, Winter 1988189, 50-91. Ellsworth, Robert F., ”Maintaining U.S. Security in an Era of Fiscal Pressure” 13:4, Epstein, Joshua M., ”The 3:l Rule, the Adaptive Dynamic Model, and the Future of Spring 1989, 16-24. Security Studies” 13:4, Spring 1989, 90-127. Fetter, Steve, “Correspondence: An Exchange on Stockpile Confidence” [reply to Brown and Immele 13:1] 13:1, Summer 1988, 196-215. Florini, Ann M., “The Opening Skies: Third-Party Imaging Satellites and U.S. Security ” 13:2, Fall 1988, 91-123. Foot, Rosemary J., ”Nuclear Coercion and the Ending of the Korean Conflict” 13:3, Winter 1988189, 92-112. Freedman, Lawrence, ’‘I Exist; Therefore I Deter” [Reviews of Nuclear Fallacy:Dispelling the Myth of Nuclear Strategy by Morton H. Halperin, and Blundering info Disaster: Surviving the First Century of the Nuclear Age by Robert McNamara] 13:1, Summer 1988, 177-195. Fridling, Barry E., and John R. Harvey, ”On the Wrong Track? An Assessment of MX Rail Garrison Basing” 13:3, Winter 1988189, 113-141. International Security, Spring 1989 (Vol. 13, No. 4) 01989 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 202 lndex I203 Gottemoeller, Rose E., ”Finding Solutions to SLCM Arms Control Problems” 13:3, Winter 1988/89, 175-183. Haftendorn, Helga, “Correspondence: The State of the Field: A German View“ [re: Harvey, John R., and Barry E. Fridling, ”On the Wrong Track? An Assessment of Nye and Lynn-Jones 1241 13:2, Fall 1988, 179-182. M X Rail Garrison Basing” 13:3, Winter 1988/89, 113-141. Immele, John D., and Paul S. Brown, ”Correspondence: An Exchange on Stockpile Confidence” [re: Fetter 12:3]13:1, Summer 1988, 196-215. Jervis, Robert, ”The Political Effects of Nuclear Weapons: A Comment” 132, Fall 1988, 80-90. Keohane, Robert O., “Alliances, Threats, and the Uses of Neorealism” [Review of Kupchan, Charles A., ”Empire, Military Power, and Economic Decline” [Review of The Origins of Alliances by Stephen M. Walt] 13:1, Summer 1988, 169-176. The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers by Paul Kennedy] 13:4, Spring 1989, 36-53. MacKenzie, Donald, ”The Soviet Union and Strategic Missile Guidance” 132, Fall May, Michael M., George F. Bing, and John D. Steinbruner, ”Strategic Arsenals After Mearsheimer, John J., ”Assessing the Conventional Balance: The 3:l Rule and Its Mearsheimer, John J., ”Correspondence: Reassessing Net Assessment” [re: Cohen Meyer, Stephen M., ”The Sources and Prospects of Gorbachev’s New Political ThinkMueller , John, ”The Essential Irrelevance of Nuclear Weapons: Stability in the Postwar Mustin, Henry C., ”The Sea-Launched Cruise Missile: More Than a Bargaining Chip” 1988, 5-54. START: The Implications of Deep Cuts” 13:1, Summer 1988, 90-133. Critics” 13:4, Spring 1989, 5489. 13:1] 13:4, Spring 1989, 128-144. ing on Security” 132, Fall 1988, 124-163. World” 132, Fall 1988, 55-79. 13:3, Winter 1988/89, 184-190. Phillips, R. Hyland, and Jeffrey I. Sands, ”Reasonable Sufficiency and Soviet...

