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CORRIGENDA Gary A. Rendsburg Comell UlliI'er.fil), As readers of this journal may have realized, there were problems with the numerous citations of the biblical text in my article "Hebrew Philological Notes (III)," Hebrew Studies 43 (2002), pp. 21-30. Every instance of Hebrew word wrap was treated incorrectly, and even in other places the Hebrew text is out-of-order. The editors have explained to me that a new software was introduced, apparently after I read proofs (in which none of these errors were present), and that a reformatting of my article created all of these errors. In addition, on p. 27, n. 26, the four instances of n should be arrows, as per the citation from B. K. Waltke and M. O'Connor. The only error for which I am responsible is the use of "here" for "hear" in the middle of p. 25. Mea culpa! I thank the editors for allowing me this opportunity to provide the readers of the journal with this note of corrigenda. ...

