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students at cost - printing costs and fees for copyright permission - approximately $3.25. The Romanticism texts, which are currently in production, will be less expensive as most ofthe poetry is in public domain and only translation permissions need to be paid for. That is where the projects stand at this point. To date I have used each presentation three times and have been pleased and excited by the student response. Both orally, and through examinations, they have exhibited a more thorough understanding of and empathy for both the subjects and the people than ever before. Finally, it has been repeatedly suggested that I prepare these lectures for commercial distribution. To do this would require renegotiation of the copyright permission contracts (publishers charge more to profit-making organizations), gaining permissions for the music performances and the pictures (both expensive operations and probably retaping the whole business with professional narrators so that a highly polished presentation would emerge - to say nothing of the fact that I am constantly finding new visuals and at least one newly recorded musical selection (Erik Satie's "La Belle Eccentrique") that I would love to include in my new edition. It is, therefore, both cost-factors and a want of energy that have made me more than content with the presentations as they exist today. HISTORIANS FILM COMMITTEE FILM & HISTORY NEWS A. H. A. CONVENTION 1972 The Historians Film Committee will sponsor a session at the 1972 American Historical Association convention in New Orleans on December 28th-30th. The topic will be "The Historian as Film Maker: Problems and Rewards ofFilm Production," with the main speaker being Dr.Rolf Schuursma of the Institute for Scientific Film in Utrecht, Holland. The scheduled commentators at the session will be Raymond Fielding ofTemple University; Patrick Griffin ofthe California State University, Long Beach; and John O'Connor ofthe Historians Film Committee. Professor Schuursma will show his latest film Anton Mussert. The session is set for Thursday, December 28th at 0:30 AM in the Mardi Gras Ballroom of the Marriott Hotel. In addition, the Committee will hold its regular business meeting on Thursday night in the Marriott's Chartres Room. NATIONAL ARCHIVES CONFERENCE IN DELAWARE NOV. 9-10 Several hundred historians, filmmakers and archivists gathered at the University ofDelaware on November 9th-10th to attend the National Archives Conference on the Use of Audiovisual Archives as Original Source Materials. A broad range ofpapers were read dealing with the availability, use and meaning offilm and other audiovisual records and of course dozens of films were screened. Representatives from the American Film Institute, the Library of Congress, Voice of America, dozens of universities and the Historians Film Committee contributed to the two days of intensive discussion. The conference was given an international flavor by the presence of several British historians and 89 filmmakers. Nicholas Pronay ofthe British Universities Film Consortium showed his filmEnd of Illusion and Anthony Aldgate ofEdinburgh University showed his production ofThe Spanish Civil War. Jay Leyda of York University spoke on film from the Peoples Republic of China Pare Lorentz on documentary, Pat Griffin on the meaning offilm evidence, and Daniel Leab dealt with the image of the Black in film. The Historians Film Committee sponsored a open meeting during the conference and gave an opportunity for the conference participants to discuss, in an informal way, the uses and meaning of film. AMERICAN CIVILIZATION/ AMERICAN CINEMA The University of Iowa has announced a new program devoted to examining the relationship between the American motion picture and American culture. Films will be examined in their cultural context and as devices for teaching and learning. In addition, the program will feature production of films which interpret the American cultural heritage. Applications are invited from students ofAmerican civilization who wish to develop knowledge and skills in cinema, and from film specialists who seek a broader cultural framework for their studies. Three $5000 one-year fellowships are available; deadline for 1973-74 is February 1 , 1973. For further information write: Chairman, American Civilization Program, 303 English-Philosophy Building, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 52240. IMMIGRATION HISTORY SOCIETY Editorship of the Newsletter of the Immigration History Society has been transferred to Dr. Carlton C...

