In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Volume 47 Table of Contents


1..............................Sean Franzel
A “Popular,” “Private” Lecturer?: Kant’s Theory and Practice of University Instruction

19............................Mary Helen Mcmurran
The New Cosmopolitanism and the Eighteenth Century

39............................Derrick R. Miller
Sanctioning Pleasure: Sodomy and Lessing’s Critical Project

53............................Jason Neidleman
Rousseau and the Desire for Communion

95............................Chi-ming Yang

103..........................Matthew Mosca
The Qing State and Its Awareness of Eurasian Interconnections, 1789–1806

117..........................Kristina Kleutghen
Chinese Occidenterie: the Diversity of “Western” Objects in Eighteenth-Century China

137..........................Danna Agmon
The Currency of Kinship: Trading Families and Trading on Family in Colonial French India

157..........................Suzanne Marchand
Where Does History Begin?: J. G. Herder and the Problem of Near Eastern Chronology in the Age of Enlightenment

177..........................Nabil Matar
Christians in the Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Mashriq

195..........................Srinivas Aravamudan
East-West Fiction as World Literature: The Hayy Problem Reconfigured

245..........................David Alff
Swift’s Solar Gourds and the Rhetoric of Projection

261..........................Scott R. Mackenzie
Sexual Arithmetic: Appetite and Consumption in The Way of the World

277..........................Eric Parisot
Suicide Notes and Popular Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century British Press

293..........................Michael Taylor
British Conservatism, the Illuminati, and the Conspiracy Theory of the French Revolution, 1797–1802 [End Page 463]

371..........................Walter N. Hakala
A Sultan in the Realm of Passion: Coffee in Eighteenth-Century Delhi

389..........................Natasha Lee
Sex in Translation: Antoine Léonard Thomas’s Essai sur les femmes and the Enlightenment Debate on Women

407..........................Karen Pagani
Living Well is the Best Revenge: Rousseau’s Reveries and the (non) Problem of Forgiveness

Primary Sources in Context

313..........................Barry Sales
The Landlord’s Tale (1708): An Introduction and Contextualization

321..........................The Landlord’s Tale (1708)

425..........................A Masnavī in Praise of Coffee: [prepared] at the bidding of Nawāb ‘Umdat al-Mulk Amīr Khān Bahādur Translated by Walter N. Hakala and Sunny Naru

429..........................Doina Ruşti
A Greek Who Gave Up His Freedom in the Eighteenth Century: An Unpublished Document

433..........................Romanian Academy Library: Document MCDLXXXV/13 Translated by Doina Ruşti

Review Articles

69............................Clorinda Donato
The Stakes of Enlightenment: Censorship and Communication in Eighteenth-Century France

Raymond Birn, La censure royale des livres dans la France des Lumières; Robert Darnton, Poetry and the Police: Communication Networks in Eighteenth-Century Paris; Robert L. Dawson, Confiscations at customs: banned books and the French booktrade during the last years of the Ancien régime; Thierry Rigogne, Between state and market: printing and bookselling in eighteenth-century France

73............................Lynn Botelho
What Happened When Women Aged?

Devoney Looser, Women Writers and Old Age in Great Britain, 1750–1850; Joan Hinde Stewart, The Enlightenment of Age: Women, Letters and Growing Old in Eighteenth-Century France

76............................Michael Dettelbach
Collecting Alexander von Humboldt

Rex Clark and Oliver Lubrich, eds., Translatlantic Echoes: Alexander von Humboldt and World Literature; Rex Clark and Oliver Lubrich, eds., Cosmos and Colonialism: Alexander von Humboldt in Cultural Criticism [End Page 464]

233..........................Ruth P. Dawson
Actress Images, Written and Painted, Famed and Defamed, British and German

Mary Helen Dupree, The Mask and the Quill: Actress-Writers in Germany from Enlightenment to Romanticism; Laura Engel, Fashioning Celebrity: Eighteenth-Century British Actresses and Strategies for Image Making; Gill Perry, with Joseph Roach and Shearer West, The First Actresses: Nell Gwyn to Sarah Siddons

236..........................Suzanne Desan
Gender, Intimacy, and Politics in the French Revolutionary Era

Andrew Cayton, Love in the Time of Revolution: Transatlantic Literary Radicalism and Historical Change, 1793–1818; Lindsay A. H. Parker, Writing the Revolution: A French Woman’s History in Letters; Annie K. Smart, Citoyennes: Women and the Ideal of Citizenship in Eighteenth-Century France

343..........................Carole Sargent
Friendship in Fashion, Manuscripts, Scriptures, and Death

Paula Backscheider, Elizabeth Singer Rowe and the Development of the English Novel; Femke Molekamp, Women and the Bible in Early Modern England: Religious Reading...

