In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Mayday
  • Gale Marie Thompson (bio)

If I were a dancer

If I were doing my best

I would call you


a cherishment

a forfeiture of this world

If this were a wavering day

a sudden surprise

of a day

I would be glad of it

This room too close to me

an empty birdhouse

swaying outside

If I were sharp-edged

a swing-set

in the middle of this poem

If I were an object

of a lost and more perfect order

I would like tomorrow

to be over with

only to know

that a day can go on [End Page 158]

Gale Marie Thompson

Gale Marie Thompson is the author of Soldier On (Tupelo Press) and the chapbooks Expeditions to the Polar Seas (Sixth Finch) and If Youre a Bear, Im a Bear (H_NGM_N). Her work can be found in Best New Poets 2012, Volt, Denver Quarterly, and Sink Review. She edits Jellyfish Magazine and lives, teaches, and writes in Athens, Georgia.


