In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

HURRAH! By a Mississippian Hurrah! for the Southern Confederate State, With her banner of white, red, and blue; Hurrah! for her daughters, the fairest on earth, And her sons, ever loyal and true! Hurrah! and hurrah! for her brave volunteers, Enlisted for freedom or death; Hurrah! for Jeff. Davis, Commander-in-chief, And three cheers for the Palmetto wreath! Hurrah! for each heart that is right in the cause; That cause we'll protect with our lives; Hurrah! for the first one who dies on the field, And hurrah! for each one who survives! Hurrah! for the South — shout hurrah! and hurrah! O'er her soil shall no tyrant have sway. In peace or in war we will ever be found "Invincible," now and for aye. —Mobile Register 84 ...

