In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Catholic Enlightenment—Self-Secularization, Strategy of Defense, or Aggiornamento? Some Reflections One Hundred Years after Sebastian Merkle. New York Lecture in Remembrance of a Change in Understanding. Harm Klueting. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 121 (1, 2010), 1–10.
Swearing against Modernism: Sacrorum antistitum (September 1, 1910). C. J. T. Talar. Theological Studies, 71 (Sept., 2010), 515–44.
L'atteggiamento e la prassi della Chiesa in epoca medievale e moderna sull'omosessualità. Maurizio P. Faggioni. Gregorianum, 91 (3, 2010), 478–509.
Abadologio del monasterio de San Benito de Sahagún (Siglos X–XIX). Ernesto Zaragoza Pascual. Compostellanum, LV (Jan.–June, 2010), 99–147.
Il Cronologo e il Segretario di Terra Santa. Narcyz Klimas, O.F.M. Antonianum, LXXXV (Apr.–June, 2010), 273–88.
Una decisive ayuda pastoral franciscana: El convento de la Hoz y Sepúlveda. Antonio Linaje Conde. Archivo Ibero-Americano, LXX (Jan.–Aug., 2010), 255–315.
The Lost Churches of Glassary parish. Rachel Butter. Records of the Scottish Church History Society, XL (2010), 3–30.
Toward a History of the Portuguese Inquisition. Trends in Modern Historiography (1974–2009). Giuseppe Marcocci. Revue de l'histoire des religions, 227 (July–Sept., 2010), 355–94.


Ponzio Pilato nella Chiesa antica tra storia, arte e leggenda. Il Codex Purpureus Rossanensis. Giorgio Otranto. Rivista di Storia e Letteratura Religiosa, XLV (3, 2009), 495–514.
La paternità di Gregorio nisseno. Lorenzo Dattrino. Lateranum, LXXVI (1, 2010), 41–55.
The Bishop's Two Bodies: Ambrose and the Basilicas of Milan. Catherine M. Chin. Church History, 79 (Sept., 2010), 531–55.
Donatist North Africa and the Beginning of Religious Coercion by Christians: a New Analysis. Matthew Alan Gaumer and Anthony Dupont. La Ciudad de Dios, CCXXIII (May–Aug., 2010), 445–66. [End Page 202]
Augustine's use of Tradition in the Controversy with Julian of Aeclanum. M. Lamberigts. Augustiniana, 60 (1–2, 2010), 11–61.


Epitaffi tardoantichi e intrecci altomedievali. Osservazioni su tre frammenti iscritti e scolpiti provenienti dall'abbazia di Novalesa. Marco Aimone. Bollettino Storico-Bibliografico Subalpino, CVIII (1, 2010), 115–42, 8 plates.
The Council in Trullo Revisited: Ecumenism and the Canon of the Councils. George Nedungatt, S.J. Theological Studies, 71 (3, 2010), 651–76.
Monasticism and Reform in Book IV of Bede's 'Ecclesiastical History of the English People'. Scott DeGregorio. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 61 (Oct., 2010), 673–87.
Évêques, canons et liturgie face à l'hérésie (Byzance, VIIIIe–XIe siècles). Benjamin Moulet. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 87 (3–4, 2009), 519–30.
Deux diplômes du IXe siècle pour Saint-Savin. Stéphane Perrault and George Pon. Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes, 167 (Jan.–June, 2009), 179–95.
Communities and pacta in early medieval Italy: jurisdiction, regulatory authority and dispute avoidance. G. V. B. West. Early Medieval Europe, 18 (Nov., 2010), 367–93.
Évêché et monastères dans le Gévaudan du haut Moyen Âge. Isabelle Darnas and Fernand Peloux. Annales du Midi, 122 (July–Sept., 2010), 341–58.
Liturgische Handschriften als Bildquellen? Eine quellenkundliche Fragestellung, untersucht am Beispiel italienischer Handschriften des 10. bis frühen 13. Jahrhunderts. Wolfgang Augustyn. Archiv für Liturgie-Wissenschaft, 51 (1/2, 2009), 3–42.
Fulbert de Chartres et les autorités civiles. Michel Graur. Revue de Droit Canonique, 57 (2, 2010), 357–87.
„…hoc sacrificium Deo acceptabile". Der Gottesdienst des Bischofs Meinwerk von Paderborn (1009–1036) nach dem Zeugnis seiner Vita. Andreas Odenthal. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 121 (1, 2010), 11–33.
Il ruolo degli eremiti: dalla riforma gregoriana alla riforma cattolica. Mario Sensi. Lateranum, LXXVI (1, 2010), 73–100.
A Byzantine hagiographical parody: Life of Mary the Younger. Stavroula Constantinou. Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 34 (2, 2010), 160–81.
The Public Debate on Clerical Marriage in the Late Eleventh Century. Leidulf Melve. Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 61 (Oct., 2010), 688–706.

