In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Vatican Archives: An Inventory and Guide to Historical Documents of the Holy See—A Ten-Year Retrospective. Francis X. Blouin, Jr., Elizabeth Yakel, and Leonard A. Coombs. The American Archivist, 71 (Fall/Winter, 2008), 410–32.
La confirmation dans l’histoire: évolution ou fracture? (Continuation). Laurence Decousu. Ecclesia Orans, XXV (May–Aug., 2008), 129–60.
Finding the True Cross: The Social-Political Dimensions of the Ethiopian Mäsqäl Festival. Steve Kaplan. Journal of Religion in Africa, 38 (4, 2008), 447–65.
Diari del Concilio: importanza e rischi. Due ermeneutiche a confronto. Francesco Testaferri. Lateranum, LXXIV (2, 2008), 369–82.
Henri de Lubac au Concile. Joseph Moingt. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXIX (May, 2008), 537–45.
Council Vatican II. Bibliographical Overview 2005–2007. Massimo Faggioli. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXIX (May, 2008), 567–609.
Des abbayes laïques, fossils d’un peuplement per casalem intégrés dans des castra. Anne Berdoy. Annales du Midi, 120 (July–Sept., 2008), 337–58.
Liebfrauen in Oberwesel: Einige Erkenntnisse über eine verkannte Kirche. Josef Heinzelmann. Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte, 34 (2008), 55–97.
Documentación relativa a la antigua Provincia Carmelita de Castilla (1416–1836). Pablo María Garrido, O.Carm. Carmelus, 53 (1, 2006), 157–92.
Evangelicalism and Patristic Christianity: 1517 to the present. Kenneth Stewart. Evangelical Quarterly, LXXX (Oct., 2008), 307–21.
Preaching in the Ruthenian Orthodox Church before 1800. Sophia Senyk. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 74 (2, 2008), 283–320.
Disobedient but Faithful. An Argument Against the Classic View of the Priest in the Period of Spanish Rule in the Philippines. Bruce Cruikshank. Philippiniana Sacra, XLIII (Sept. –Dec., 2008), 567–84.
En las Cuencas del Río Panay: The Church of Panay Across Centuries (1566–2008). Noel Vincent B. Abalajon. Philippiniana Sacra, XLIII (Sept.–Dec., 2008), 585–620. [End Page 439]


Les Bibliothèques de l’Antiquité, de la Chrétienté et du Judaïsme. Gregorio del Olmo. Studia Monastica, 49 (2, 2007), 377–401.
Domiziano e la cosiddetta persecuzione del 95. Roberto Cristofoli. Vetera Christianorum, 45 (1, 2008), 67–90.
Was Justin Martyr a Proto-Inclusivist? Adam Sparks. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 43 (Fall, 2008), 495–510.
La Chiesa, la cattedra, il rotolo: l’identità della statua d’Ippolito alla luce del Pastore di Erma. Emanuele Castelli. Augustinianum, XLVIII (Dec., 2008), 305–22.
Martyrs et reliques en Occident. Bernard Bourrit. Revue de l’histoire des religions, 225 (Oct.–Dec., 2008), 443–70.
L’état actuel de la recherche sur le concile d’Elvire. Miguel J. Lázaro Sánchez. Revue des sciences religieuses, 82 (Oct., 2008), 517–46.
Los cánones del Concilio de Elvira: una réplica. Manuel Sotomayor and Teresa Verdugo Villena. Augustinianum, XLVIII (Dec., 2008), 369–434.
The Eusebian Alliance: The Case of Theodotus of Laodicea. Mark DelCogliano. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 12 (2, 2008), 250–66.
Evangelizzazione e conversioni secondo la Historia Ecclesiastica di Rufino. Lorenzo Dattrino. Lateranum, LXXIV (2, 2008), 319–48.
Martino e i suoi legami con la Pannonia cristiana. Rajko Bratož. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXIX (May, 2008), 283–315.
Martino vescovo santo: un nuovo modello di santità nell’Occidente tardoan-tico. Rita Lizzi Testa. Cristianesimo nella Storia, XXIX (May, 2008), 317–44.
“Read It Also to the Gentiles”: The Displacement and Recasting of the Philosopher in the Vita Antonii. Arthur Urbano, Jr. Church History, 77 (Dec., 2008), 877–914.
Lettera di Costantino alla Chiesa di Alessandria e Lettera del sinodo di Nicea agli Egiziani (325), i falsi sconosciuti da Atanasio? Henryk Pietras. Gregorianum, 89 (4, 2008), 709–26.
Kontinuität und Umbruch in mittelägyptischen Mönchsgruppen nach der Historia Monarchorum in Aegypto. Dimitrios Moschos. Journal of Ancient Christianity, 12 (2, 2008), 267–85.
The Rule of Virgins: The Evolution of Enclosure. Colleen Maura McGrane, O.S.B. American Benedictine Review, 59 (Dec., 2008), 396–418.
The Rule of the Holy Abbott Macarius Who Had Five Thousand Monks Under His Authority. Terrence G. Kardong, O.S.B. American Benedictine Review, 59 (Dec., 2008), 419–39. [End Page 440]
The Imperial Policy of Otherness: Justinian and the Arianism of Barbarians as a Motive for the Recovery of the West. Drago Mîr anu. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, 84 (Dec., 2008...

