In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Periodical Literature

General and Miscellaneous

Why We Need Christopher Dawson. Glenn Olsen. Communio, XXXV (Spring, 2008), 115-44.
Historiographical issues related to the writing of contemporary history of Christianity. G.A. Duncan. Verbum et Ecclesia, 28 (1, 2007), 127-49.
The Church of the East & Its Theology: History of Studies. Nikolai N. Seleznyov. Orientalia Christiana Periodica, 74 (1, 2008), 115-31.
Erinnerung und Erinnerungskultur im deutschen Protestantismus. Frank Michael Kuhlemann. Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, 119 (1, 2008), 30-44.
Hegel's Ghost: Europe, the Reformation, and the Middle Ages. Constantin Fasolt. Viator, 39 (1, 2008), 345-86
L'affaire du "Motu proprio" du 24 janvier 1964. Robert Cabié. Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique, CIX (Jan.-Mar., 2008), 41-52.
The Law That Never Was: The Motu Proprio Administrativae Potestatis on Administrative Procedures. Kurt Martens. The Jurist, 68 (1, 2008), 178-222.
A Shilling for Queen Elizabeth: The Era of State Regulation of Church Attendance in England, 1552-1969. Clive D. Field. Journal of Church and State, 50 (Spring, 2008), 213-53.
'Imperium in Imperio': Irish Episcopal Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century. Colin Barr. English Historical Review, CXXIII (June, 2008), 611-50.
Albacina:L'eremo di Santa Maria dell'Acquarella e i cappuccini (con Appendice di Nanni Monelli). Giuseppe Avarucci, O.F.M. Cap. Collectanea Franciscana, 78 (1-2, 2008), 119-70.


Zur Verbrennung der sogenanten Chrestiani (Tac. Ann. 15,44). Allan A. Lund. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 60 (3, 2008), 253-61.
The Reception of Communion in Early Christianity. Paul F. Bradshaw. Studia Liturgica, 37 (2, 2007), 164-80.
From Cybele to Christ: Christianity and the transformation of late Roman religious culture. Timothy Pettipiece. Studies in Religion, 37 (1, 2008), 41-61. [End Page 888]
Le noir, l'Ethiopien, l'Egyptien dans la littérature chrétienne des premiers siècles. Paul André Jacob. Studia Monastica, 49 (1, 2007), 7-28.
Le Passioni latine di S. Lussorio, martire in Sardegna. Classificazione e edizione dei testi. Sabina Tuzzo. Analecta Bollandiana, 126 (June, 2008), 5-29.
Entre Constantin et Théodose. L'image incertaine des empereurs chrétiens chez leurs co-religionnaires des IVe et Ve siècles. Jean Bouffartigue. Les Études Classiques, 75 (1-2, 2007), 53-66.
Paschal Politics: Deploying the Temple's Destruction against Fourth-Century Judaizers. Christine Shepardson. Vigiliae Christianae, LXII (3, 2008), 233-60.
Primacy and Collegiality in the Fourth Century:A Note on Apostolic Canon 34. Brian E. Daley, S.J. The Jurist, 68 (1, 2008), 5-21.
The Life and Times of St John Chrysostom. Bernard Green, O.S.B. Ampleforth Journal, 112 (Autumn, 2007), 10-26.
Dos casos de comunidades cristianas en el exilio: Tipasa, Durostorum y el traslato de sus reliquias. Margarita Vallejo Girvés. Vetera Christianorum, 44 (2, 2007), 323-41.
De prohibitione carnis. Meat Abstention and the Priscillianists. Alberto Ferreiro. Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum, 11 (3, 2007), 464-78.
Social Class in Saint Benedict's Monastery. John R. Fortin. Cistercian Studies Quarterly, 43 (3, 2008), 199-215.
Gregory's Life of Benedict: Its Historico-Literary Field. Michaela Zelzer. Cistercian Studies Quarterly, 43 (3, 2008), 327-38.


The Body, Death, and Resurrection: Perspectives of an Early Irish Theologian. Marina Smyth. Speculum, 83 (July, 2008), 531-71.
Des peintures pré-iconoclastes en Terre d'Otrante: Les fresques de l'église S. Pietro à Crepacore et leur dédicace. Michel Berger and André Jacob. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, Moyen Âge, 119 (1, 2007), 25-42.
Literatura hagiográfica latina en torno a los mártires Vicente, Sabina y Cristeta de Ávila (siglos VII-XI). Félix A. Ferrer García. Hispania Sacra, LX (Jan.-June, 2008), 9-46.
Der lange Schatten des Bonifatius. Die Responsa Stephens II. aus dem Jahr 754 und das fränkische Kirchenrecht. Karl Ubl. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters, 63 (2, 2007), 403-49.
La Vita di s. Simeone stilita nell'Inghilterra anglosassone. Lorenzo Lozzi Gallo. Mélanges de l'École Française de Rome, Moyen Âge, 119 (1, 2007), 43-56.
Eupraxia of Olympus. An Unknown Transvestite Saint. Sergey A. Ivanov and Anna Pichkhadze. Analecta Bollandiana, 126 (June, 2008), 31-47. [End Page 889]

