In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Epitaph
  • Kevin Young (bio)

You done blown this taco stand sky high, AMF

under earth, an oath. Caught the first thing

smoking. PARA MORIR. Gone with summer-

time & the living is easy. High

cotton. You weevil why’d you

weave us? Stitch yourself back like a spider

or under- taker— give up the car

service that waits & waits while you paint—it’s too

much—will drive you to your grave. DEC 1960 [End Page 297]

AUG 1988— your date kept, no chance

to grow fat & useless—no names please—

GREENWOOD. You stay thin & dead, a language—

maggot: n. 2. an extravagantnotion, whim—ants

for angels, eyes—

Kevin Young

Kevin Young, who was a Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, is author of Most Way Home, a volume of poems. He teaches creative writing and literature at the University of Georgia, Athens. A graduate of Harvard, he recently received the MFA degree at Brown University.

