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  • Books Received*
Anonymi Medici. De Morbis Acutis et Chroniis. Edited with commentary by Ivan Garofalo; translated by Brian Fuchs. Studies in Ancient Medicine, no. 12. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1997. xxx + 375 pp. $112.50.
Tim Armstrong, ed. American Bodies: Cultural Histories of the Physique. New York: New York University Press, 1996. 212 pp. $18.95 (paperbound).
Arnaldi de Villanova. Opera Medica Omnia. Vol. X.1. Regimen Sanitatis ad Regem Aragonum. Edited by Luis Garcia-Ballester and Michael R. McVaugh. Seminarium Historiae Scientiae Barchinone (C.S.I.C.). Barcelona, Spain: Universitat de Barcelona, 1996. 933 pp. $55.00; Ptas. 6,000.00 (paperbound).
Jürgen C. Aschoff. Annotated Bibliography of Tibetan Medicine (1789–1995) / Kommentierte Bibliographie zur tibetischen Medizin (1789–1995). Ulm, Germany: Fabri; and Dietikon, Switzerland: Garuda, 1996. xviii + 426 pp. $86.00; DM 126.00. (The full text can be read and searched at
Mikel Astrain. Gallart Barberos, cirujanos y gente de mar: la sanidad naval y la profesión quirúrgica en las España ilustrada. Colleción “Aula de Navegantes” Madrid: Ministerio de Defensa, 1996. 236 pp. Ill. No price given (paperbound).
Carey Balaban, Jonathon Erlen, and Richard Siderits, eds. The Skilful Physician. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1997. xxiv + 293 pp. $29.95; £20.00; ECU 25.00.
Peter Bartrip. Themselves Writ Large: The British Medical Association, 1832–1966. London: BMJ Publishing Group, 1996. xviii + 373 pp. Tables. £32.00.
Yves Beigbeder. L’organisation mondiale de la santé. Que sais-je? no. 3189. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1997. 128 pp. No price given (paperbound).
Nicola Beisel. Imperiled Innocents: Anthony Comstock and Family Reproduction in Victorian America. Princeton Studies in American Politics: Historical, International, and Comparative Perspectives Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997. x + 275 pp. Ill. $35.00; £27.50.
Bradley P. Bengston and Julian E. Kuz. Photographic Atlas of Civil War Injuries: Photographs of Surgical Cases and Specimens of Orthopaedic Injuries and Treatments during the Civil War. Otis Historical Archives. Grand Rapids, Mich: Medical Staff Press, in association with Kennesaw Mountain Press, 1996. 446 pp. Ill. $125.00.
Shirley Burgoyne Black. An Eighteenth Century Mad-Doctor: William Perfect of West Malling. Sevenoaks, Kent, U.K.: Darenth Valley Publications, 1995. 85 pp. £3.95 (paperbound).
Robert H. Blank and Janna C. Merrick, eds. Encyclopedia of U.S. Biomedical Policy. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996. xvii + 363 pp. $89.50.
Edward James Bujold. An Odyssey of Primary Care Research: Historical Perspectives. Granite Falls, N.C.: Speck Publishing Co., 1996. vii + 126 pp. $24.95 (paperbound).
Michael D. Calabria. Florence Nightingale in Egypt and Greece: Her Diary and “Visions”. SUNY Series in Western Esoteric Traditions. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996. xi + 167 pp. Ill. $14.95 (paperbound).
Roberto Cardini and Mariangela Regoliosi, eds. Umanesimo e Medicine: Il problema dell’ ‘individuale’. Humanistica, no. 17; Strumenti, no. 3. Proceedings of a Symposium presented by the Center for the Study of Classicism, San Gimignano, Italy, 3–4 June 1994. Rome: Bulzoni, 1996. 97 pp. L 22,000.00 (paperbound).
Claudia Clark. Radium Girls: Women and Industrial Health Reform, 1910–1935. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. xii + 289 pp. $49.95 (cloth), $17.95 (paperbound).
Leonard A. Cole. The Eleventh Plague: The Politics of Biological and Chemical Warfare. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1996. 284 pp. $22.95.
Conférences d’histoire de la médecine: Cycle 1995–1996. Lyon, France: Collection Fondation Marcel Mérieux, 1996. 221 pp. No price given (paperbound).
Clifford D. Connor. Jean Paul Marat: Scientist and Revolutionary. Revolutionary Studies. Atlantic Highlands, N. J.: Humanities Press, 1997. xiii + 285 pp. Ill. $55.00.
Roger Cooter and Bill Luckin, eds. Accidents in History: Injuries, Fatalities and Social Relations. Clio Medica, vol. 41. Wellcome Institute Series in the History of Medicine. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Editions Rodopi, 1997. x + 273 pp. $25.00; Hfl. 40.00 (paperbound).
Maria Sofia Corradini Bozzi. Ricettari medico-farmaceutici medievali nella Francia meridionale, vol. 1. Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere “La Colombaria,” no. 159. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1997. 503 pp. L. 110,000.00.
J. K. Crellin, R. R. Andersen, and J. T. H. Connor, comps. and eds. Alternative Health Care in...
