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University of North Carolina; Secretary, Bruce V/. Wardropper, TL· Johns Hopkins Univ. (Nominations to be voted on.) Suggested Readings Mira de Mescua La segunda de don Aluaro [Adversa fortuna de don Alvaro de Luna~\, ed. de N. E. Sánchez-Arce. Mexico, 1960. Pròspera fortuna de don Alvaro de Luna, in Tirso de Molina, Obras completas, edici ón de Elanca de los Ríos Lampérez, Madrid , 19+6, Vol. I. El ejemplo mayor de la desdicha. Clás. Cast. # 82. La rueda de la fortuna. BAE., Voi. 45. Margaret Wilson, "La pròspera fortuna de don Alvaro de Luna: An Outstanding Work by Mira de Amescua," BHS, XXXIII (1956). bers of the active committees and of all other interested comediantes will be held in Chicago at the time of the MLA convention there in December. Report of Lope Quadricentennial Activities by M. Peyton University of North Carolina Pians for the observance of the quadricentennial of Lope's birth are now under way. Honorary and active committees were named in the summer, and support is being sought with foundations, universities, and the Spanish Embassy. The help and cooperation of every comediante is needed to make this a notable and worthy celebration. Please communicate your suggestions and offers of assistance to any one of the following: KarlLudwig Selig, editor of the Bulletin; Jack H. Parker, chairman of the Research Committee ; Warren T. McCready, chairman of the Bibliography and Exhibits Committee; Everett W. Hesse, chairman of the Dramatic Productions and Lectures Committee; and Myron A. Peyton, chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee of Spanish 3. In addition, Professor and Mrs. Alva V. Ebersole are in charge of a Lope Music Committee. A meeting, to be announced, of memComediantes Luncheon The Comediantes luncheon will be held in the Metropolitan Room of Drake's Restaurant at 131 North Dearborn, Chicago. For reservations, please write to Professor R. Bininger, Northwestern University, who very kindly and graciously has made the reservation for the group. Subscription Kindly renew your subscription to the Bulletin and send your dollar to the Editor . A Current Bibliography of Foreign Publications Dealing with the Comedia Compiled by Warren T. McCready University of Toronto Robert R. Bishop Lafayette College 1961—2 Miscellaneous Anderson Imbert, Enrique. Crítica interna . Madrid, Taurus. Pp. 281. [Collected articles. Includes "Lope dramatiza un cantar ]. Bentley, Eric (ed.). The Classic Theatre , vol. Ill: Six Spanish Plays. New York, Doubleday, 1959. pp. ix, 507. Review by A. Valbuena Briones in Arbor, No. 184 (April), 147-49. Donovan, Richard B. The Liturgical Drama in Medieval Spain. Toronto, 1958. Review by Douglas Gilford in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, XXXVIII, 224-29; by A. Vermeylen in Lettres romanes, XV, 82-85. Hermenegildo, Alfredo. Burgos en el romancero y en el teatro de los Siglos de Oro. Madrid, 1958. Review by Maxime Cheva- lier in Bulletin hispanique, LXII (1960), 459-60. Hermenegildo, Alfredo. Lo's trágicos espa ñoles del siglo XVI. Madrid, Fundación Universitaria Española. Pp. 617. Martins, Mario. 'Representaçoes teatrais em Lisboa no ano de 1451." Brotéria, LXXI (1960), 422-30. Ortenbach, Enrique (ed.). Veinticimco siglos de teatro-, selección, traducción y notas de E. O. Barcelona: Fomento Internacional de Cultura, Mateu, 1959. Pp. 1726. Peri, Hiram. Der Religionsdisput der Barlaam -Legende, ein Motiv abendländischer Dichtung. Univ. de Salamanca, 1959. Pp. 274. Review by R. D. F. Pring-Mill in Bulhtin of Hispanic Studies, XXXVIII, 180. [Chap. VII: "Die spanischen BarockDramen ."] Salomon, Noël. "Sur les représentations théâtrales dans les pueblos des provinces de Madrid et Tolède (1589-1640)." Bulletin hispanique, LXII (1960), 398-427. Sánchez, José. Academias literarias del Siglo de Oro español. (Biblioteca Románica Hispánica.) Madrid, Gredos. Pp. 357. Seminario de Bibliografía Hispánica de Ia Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de Madrid. Cartelera teatral madrileña. I: años 18301839 . (Cuadernos bibliográficos, III). Madrid , C.S.I.C. Shergold, N. D. and Varey, J. E. Los autos sacramentales en Madrid en la época de Calderón (1637-1681): Estudios y documentos . Madrid, Edhigar. Pp. xxxii, 380. Subirá, José. El gremio de representantes españoles y la Cofradía de Nuestra Señora...

