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  • Contributors

Tully Barnett has a PhD in English from Flinders University analyzing representations of information technology in contemporary literary fiction. She works as Project Manager on Building Reading Resilience: Developing a Skills-Based Approach to Literary Studies, and is a Research Associate for the Australian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres. Her research interests include life narrative in early internet art, posthuman impulses in literary texts, and the digital humanities.

After a long career teaching American literature, life writing, and disability studies, G. Thomas Couser retired from Hofstra University in 2011. His major current projects are a memoir of his father and a book about such memoirs, which he terms patriographies. His most recent book is Memoir: An Introduction (Oxford UP, 2012).

Leigh Gilmore is the author of The Limits of Autobiography: Trauma and Testimony (Cornell UP, 2001) and Autobiographics: A Feminist Theory of Women's Self-Representation (Cornell UP, 1994), and a co-editor of Autobiography and Postmodernism (U of Massachusetts P, 1994). She has published articles on autobiography and feminist theory in Feminist Studies, Signs, Women's Studies Quarterly, Biography, American Imago and Genders, among others, and in numerous collections. She has been the Dorothy Cruickshank Backstrand Professor of Gender and Women's Studies at Scripps College, Professor of English at The Ohio State University, and Visiting Professor in Rhetoric and Women's Studies at UC Berkeley.

Joel Haefner teaches writing and computer science and co-directs the writing program at Illinois Wesleyan University. He has published pieces in College English, College Literature, SEL, Prose Studies, Computers and Composition, English Journal, The Wordsworth Circle, and other journals; an article is forthcoming in Life Writing Annual. His 1994 co-edited volume, Re-Visioning Romanticism (U of Pennsylvania P), was a Choice selection. For nearly forty years he has, with Cynthia Huff, exhibited, groomed, trained, and hung out with Standard Poodles.

Although most of Cynthia Huff's work in life writing has been with women's diaries, her over forty year commitment to breeding and showing standard poodles has helped spark a keen interest in post humanism. She is the author [End Page 268] of British Women's Diaries (AMS, 1985), editor of Women's Life Writing and Imagined Communities (Routledge, 2005), and co-editor with Suzanne Bunkers of Inscribing the Daily (U of Massachusetts P, 1996). She is Professor of English Studies at Illinois State University, where she teaches courses in life writing, Victorian literature and culture, women's writing, and feminisms, among others.

Rosanne Kennedy is Associate Professor of Literature and Gender, Sexuality and Culture at the Australian National University. Her research interests include trauma, testimony, and memory in cultural, literary. and legal texts and contexts. Her articles have appeared in numerous anthologies and journals including Comparative Literature Studies, Life Writing, Studies in the Novel, Women's Studies Quarterly, Australian Feminist Studies, and Profession. She is currently editing a special issue of Memory Studies with Susannah Radstone on Memory Studies in Australia (forthcoming 2013).

Laurie McNeill is an Instructor in the Department of English and Co-Chair of the Coordinated Arts Program at the University of British Columbia. Her research examines online life writing practices and the culture for "everyday auto/biographies" the Internet produces. Her most recent work has appeared in Genres in the Internet, Language and New Media, and Auto/Biography and Mediation (Universitätsverlag Winter, 2010).

Andy Mousley is Reader in Critical Theory and Renaissance Literature at De Montfort University. He is the editor of Towards a New Literary Humanism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), and has published articles on humanism, literary humanism, and posthumanism in the journals Textual Practice, Shakespeare, and postmedieval. He is the author, among other works, of Re-Humanising Shakespeare (Edinburgh UP, 2007), co-author of Critical Humanisms (Edinburg UP, 2003), and series co-editor of Edinburgh Critical Guides to Literature. He is currently working on a monograph entitled New Literary Humanism: Criticism, Theory, Practice.

Michelle Peek is a Doctoral candidate at McMaster University. Her dissertation examines "ecosocial" texts that articulate modes of kinship between human and nonhuman others, drawing on indigenous, oceanic, and diaspora studies.

Sidonie Smith is Martha Guernsey Colby Collegiate Professor of English and Women's Studies at the University of...

