In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

News from London, England, 17884984 On or about August 28 this year there arrived in the local post office a cardboard cylinder and a letter, both airmail from London. They had been mailed about four days earlier. The cylinder contained a copy of The General Advertizer, a newspaper printed in London in October 1788, and a poster used in New Orleans, La., during the Civil War. The letter explained and commented on the contents of the cylinder. The letter is reproduced here as well as the poster and parts of the four-page newspaper. The title of "General Advertizer" for the paper seemed a good one, since its pages contained notices of book publishing, stagecoach schedules, and various other items along with some interesting items of humorous or serious nature. A sample of this is reprinted containing a letter by George Washington, some small bits of humor, and a longer piece about how a Kentucky family repulsed an Indian attack on their home. Some of the details are still known to some of the natives here. (Editor's Note) @ -felfea §> bm/taïlor London, W. C. 1 England Attj Wr, Altert 1. Stewart APPALACHIAU RDffiM A««. 22, 1984 P. 0. Box 623 !TiJMUaB, KT, 41822 Dear Albert Stewart, Under separate cower I an sending an early English account (pp.4) of what the poor redskin· ware up against - rangy and raw-boned thunderbolts that would sake Ha and Pa Kettle seen like Katharine Hepburn and Cary Crant. Thar· simply isn't enough aoney to make adequate reparation. Pleas« be so kind as to giwa the newspaper to the aost appropriate auseuav in your territory, and keep the little poster for your trouble. I think Peninisn began in the 18th and reached fall 'flower· in the 19th century. Vo acknowledgment is necessary. A gift is outright, I think, and is an end in itself. Besjrlfytes to you and a^our fine nagaaine. teliwsr1. T, '^ Enclosures/ THS GENERAL ADVERTISER newspaper. OME POSTER - Civil W«r. 11 The General Adverdíer. ;:26. THURSDAY. OcTohER 30, 178*. HMfRY-LANK. /.V ", JL1-VV' Ctmfv», AT tin- Thrarr* Royal, in Dmy-taM, THtS IVtNlMC, WVl U jwríanrra ih· Comedy *t L O \ ? fnr I. OViL - r«r.ithr. Mis PARSOHS, i, ?,,-iH. Mr. DOf^O. S.v «,,„,,,, i, l.«;rnd. Mr. M003T» Stvalal, ». 8W«UY, VJt(WlM, W. KEM)IU. Jeiemy, Mp. ¦ \DWLBt, AoJ Be», Mt. ??????G?. J*fc M.r* mum*·! Ma-lMbM*»* Mt TMMPB, * ?' ntDwn«MM4«e*K|àtn»w »mW a Hd paRS*. __ ?\·. .^ ^MM )Ml TuSr« MADEIRA WIN-It . L Larga Partei «G JMJiJh1ItH LmdW ? ,««totUMflM, I I!??«Ml»Ml M Midair*. ¦* Ml «f IMMMA bat Ml NM -ta juwica, Maft ImM «M wf *MMi Ma1. RonlMfckat tkafatoat 5a*. à*f*a «? ·?·«?te «, hit, at FKLL BMUOWaQMMWNf MlM VMM,«» t«»WM|M/ Roil»t Ratsii. N WeAwÜay I**, 1,> CMd* -^ thr« ' JtJT-, fun tj· R. IKl M. Raraar, «f RaFfWWCT. aoettwr C w |di» f> e ihr »una, aM J- Standi (at a Ion* pata. * J ifter wantatwg fer fettrd aune» i ie(Tuft»»;>. M W» OBliMl W f I·· t f*M(1beur tM aterí»- * I«?ß rik·, by -lv;h, r IaRtIt1I M iff* O Sa% W. HIIaOUY. I i-COOK.«. PtTCAERM. J ». DAVIi. A*!rrfal 1« Di. IIAH'M. . Il U .¿11/ :i f"«i : j ft.:l f»rtl^r pioJ M tn-t be ¿(¡«nú ff f=I« a* ¦ h« |. if TtïR«> M' '-»"At» h--.-.v tl«-. lnft.*>J;oi>. "»^» ^.ndly ,¦ -.J t.-i ,t I!.«.-. Sj fr KfSO't AVTHOKiTt'. LafM Wholt ShKt Mam of evert KiOJptoA in EUROPE. Daakawt M tú Rar«! «i|h«ri tha D** ai YOMlWkep al OSMAtVIlOH, hc. (Ta m HHMlaaiit in larrnir Maaiaan, a> lha a»»rf4e» Jiakief anaalefaetVaaaB·«·^·«, baaatifafri pnnMd aaaaaw 1V)m· «^ 1,>? Mr- C4an, L*t«-F«a«t*r ta h» H^A·, *a«atarM ropería« ??µ?> aaattaa ?Jip«A (n Uw »'«ßI «ar» WMjMr win M drtanw* wfci, «j, «¦ «an a«CMir »»«"**- - ¦ - MjiWMrkt a Mf|u*VaNn_ . _ _ CaMMH m4 knkaf LikaaaAa al *¦ pnA« rim·¦M tomaifoa, ac af Oa ¦ttartat.Cantriai ^ 1,>*NM . lofMal br (WM «,mu .rtfc, CncM...
