In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to American Quarterly Volume 64 March 2012 to December 2012
Rachel Adams, Casting Light on Disability (Event Review) 851
Purnima Bose, Faculty Activism and the Corporatization of the University 815
Keith L. Camacho, After 9/11: Militarized Borders and Social Movements in Mariana Islands 685
Jordan T. Camp, Blues Geographies and the Security Turn: Interpreting the Housing Crisis in Los Angeles 653
Paula Chakravartty and Denise Ferreira da Silva, Introduction: Accumulation, Dispossession, and Debt: The Racial Logic of Global Capitalism 361
Sarah Chinn, Racialized Things (Book Review) 873
Ofelia O. Cuevas, Welcome to My Cell: Housing and Race in the Mirror of American Democracy 605
David L. Eng, The Civil and the Human 205
Brenda D. Frink, San Francisco’s Pioneer Mother Monument: Maternalism, Racial Order, and the Politics of Memorialization, 1907–1915 85
Matthew Garrett, The Romance of Real Politics 795
Lynne Gerber, Fat Christians and Fit Elites: Negotiating Class and
Status in Evangelical Weight-Loss Culture 61
Michelle Y. Gordon, “Midnight Scenes and Orgies”: Public Narratives of Voodoo in New Orleans and Nineteenth-Century Discourses of White Supremacy 767
Naomi Greyser, Academic and Activist Assemblages: An Interview with Jasbir Puar 841
Naomi Greyser, Gender Nerds at Heart: An Interview on Bridging the Blogging/Academic Divide with 837
Naomi Greyser and Margot Weiss, Introduction: Left Intellectuals and the Neoliberal University 787
James Heintz and Radhika Balakrishnan, Debt, Power, and Crises: Social Stratification and the Inequitable Governance of Financial Markets 387
Rebecca Hill, Is Resistance Futile? Cultural Studies at the Zenith of Neoliberalism (Book Review) 345
Hua Hsu, Capital Rules Everything around Me (Book Review) 129
Janet R. Jakobsen, Collaborations 827
Joshua Jelly-Schapiro, Different Folk: The Discreet Charm of Kate and Anna McGarrigle (Event Review) 331
Laura Hyun Yi Kang, The Uses of Asianization: Figuring Crises, 1997–98 and 2007–? 411
J. Kēhaulani Kauanui, Queer Critique and Federal Indian Policy (Book Review) 163
Mara Kaufman, A Politics of Encounter: Knowledge and Organizing in Common 823
Lauren Frederica Klein, American Studies after the Internet (Book Review) 861
Jana K. Lipman, “Give us a Ship”: The Vietnamese Repatriate Movement on Guam, 1975 1
Drew Lopenzina, “New Lights” in the Forest (Book Review) 139
Tayyub Mahmud, Debt and Discipline 469
Sunaina Maira and Julie Sze, Dispatches from Pepper Spray University: Privatization, Repression, and Revolts 315
John D. Márquez, The Black Mohicans: Representations of Everyday Violence in Postracial Urban America 625
Jeff Maskovsky, Beyond Neoliberalism: Academia and Activism in a Nonhegemonic Moment 819
Adrián Pérez Melgosa, Opening the Cabaret American Allegory: Hemispheric Politics, Performance, and Utopia in Flying Down to Rio 249
Jonathan M. Metzl, Stuctural Competency 213
Koritha Mitchell, James Baldwin, Performance Theorist, Sings the Blues for Mister Charley 33
Scott Lauria Morgensen, Destabilizing the Settler Academy: The Decolonial Effects of Indigenous Methodologies 805
Yuichiro Onishi, Occupied Okinawa on the Edge: On Being Okinawan in Hawai’i and U.S. Colonialism toward Okinawa 741
Kent A. Ono, “Lines of Flight”: Reterritorializing Asian America Film and Media Studies (Book Review) 885
Kristen Proehl, Politicizing Youth: Childhood Studies on Social Change (Book Review) 171
Evan Rhodes, Beyond the Exceptionalist Thesis, a Global American Studies 2.0 (Book Review) 899
Dylan Rodríguez, Beyond “Police Brutality”: Racist State Violence and the University of California 301
Dylan Rodríguez, Racial/Colonial Genocide and the “Neoliberal Academy”: In Excess of a Problematic 809
David Roediger,FreedomBreaks(BookReview) 337
Aimee Carrillo Rowe, Romancing the Organic Intellectual: On the Queerness of Academic Activism 799
Ellen C. Scott, Black “Censor,” White Liberties: Civil Rights and Illinois’s 1917 Film Law 219
Kyla Schuller, Taxonomies of Feeling: The Epistemology of Sentimentalism in Late-Nineteenth-Century Racial and Sexual Science 277
Sarita Echavez See, Gambling with Debt: Lessons from the Illiterate 495
Shawn Shimpach, Reality: HGTV and the Subprime Crisis 515
Catherine R. Squires, Coloring in the Bubble: Perspectives from Black-Oriented Media on the (Latest) Economic Disaster 543
Eric A. Stanley, Dean Spade, and Queer (In)Justice, Queering Prison Abolition Now? 115
Miriam Thaggert, Marriage, Moynihan, Mahogany: Success and the Post-Civil Rights Black Female Professional in Film 715
Libby R. Tronnes, Mr. Indigenous Goes to Washington: Making Indian Law and Policy in the...

