In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 123, 2002

PART I: Subjects

Aeschylus, Supplices, 111-18

Alcibiades, 205-28

Apollodorus, 229-56

Archilochus, 172-81

arete, 35-49

Aristophanes, 319-511

Aristophanes, the body in, 369-406

Aristophanes, Clouds, 169-204

Aristophanes, gender representation in, 369-406

Aristophanes, Knights, 169-204

Aristophanes, staging of, 465-99

Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazousai ,319-511

Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazousai, reception history, 407-27

Aristophanes, Wasps, 170, 189-204

Aristophanes, Wealth, 549-57

Arrowsmith, William, 429-63

Bandusia, spring of, 51-59

biography and panegyric, Greek, 141-44

bunraku, 1-34

Caesar, funeral of, 566-74, 579, 582-83

Callimachus, 524-26

Cassius Dio, 618-20

catalogue of birds, Statius, 95-110

citizenship and arete, 40-47

comedy, classical and post-classical, 641-44

Cratinus, Pytine, 169-204

Demeter, 329-67, 398-401

Demosthenes, 229-56

Dionysus, 353-61

Egypt, Greek representations of, 629-33

Euripides, Andromache, 126-29

Euripides, Cyclops, 206, 219-28

Euripides, Hecuba, 129-32

Euripides, Medea, 1-34

Euripides Agonistes, 437-63

Euripides and Aristophanes, 329-61, 369-402, 429-63

fairytales and folktales, ancient, 287-89

genre, 119-22

geography and travel, Roman, 529-34

Greece, eastern influence on, 629-33

Greek comedy, 319-511

Greek theater, 319-511

Greek tragedy, 1-34

Harpokration, 231-40

Herodotus, 122-26

Hesiod, 149-68

Homer, Odyssey, 541-47

Homer, temples and ships in, 541-47

Horace, 305-8

Horace, Odes, 51-59

imperial Rome, cultural studies of, 637-41

Japanese theater, 1-34

Julian, funeral of, 575-79

Julius Caesar, Bellum Gallicum, malacia in, 611-18

Julius Caesar, Bellum Gallicum, ships in, 605-10

Julius Caesar, Bellum Gallicum, virtus in, 601-22

kabuki, 1-34

Laodamia, 61-87

Latin literature, the politics of, 645-48

law, Athenian, 229-56

Livy, 526-29

Lucretius, 301-5

Lysias, 231-56 [End Page 1]

Macedonia, 136-40

magic, erotic, 61, 65-76

mantissa, 275-86

Medea, 289-93

Mee, Charles, Big Love, 111-18

Midas, 205-19

Mimes, at Roman funerals, 559-85

moicheia, 229-56

Ninagawa, Yukio, 1-34

Old Comedy, Greek, 169-204

Ovid, birds in, 95-110

Ovid, exile poetry, 257-73

Ovid, Heroides, 61-87

Ovid, Metamorphoses, 89-94, 623-27

patronage, 305-8

Pausanias, 633-37

Penelope, 89-94

performance studies, 465-99

Petronius, Satyricon, 275-86

Plato, heroic ethic in, 293-97

Plato, myth in, 132-36

Plato, Protagoras, 521-24

Plato, Symposium, 205-28

Plautus, 297-301

Plutarch, 231-43

Polyphemus, 219-23

Presocratics, 132-36

Protesilaus, 61-87

rex, 587-96

ritual, Greek, 329-67

Roman funerals, mimes at, 559-85

Rome, imperial, Greek identity in, 637-41

Romulus, 587-99

satyric motifs in Plato's Symposium, 205-28

sculpture, Greek, 513-16

Shakespeare and Greek comedy, 447-57

Silenus, 205-23

Simonides, 516-21

slaves in Plautus, 297-301

Socrates, 205-28

Solon, 149-68

Statius, Silvae, 95-110

Suetonius, 564-69

Thesmophoria, 331-39

Tibullus, 308-12

translation, problems in, 429-63, 484-87

Veneti, 601-22

Vertumnus, 89-94

Vespasian, funeral of, 564-66, 574, 579, 582

Virgil, 301-5

Virgil, Georgics, 301-5

wealth in Solon, 149-68

Zimmerman, Mary, 623-27

PART II: Authors of Articles and Reviews

Armstrong, Richard H. Review of Medea in Performance, 1500–2000, ed. Edith Hall, Fiona Macintosh, and Oliver Taplin 289–93
Bernal, Martin. Review of The Gift of the Nile: Hellenizing Egypt from Aeschylus to Alexander by Phiroze Vasunia and L'Orient, mirage grec: L'Orient du mythe et de l'épopée by Alexandre Tourraix 629–33
Biles, Zachary P. Intertextual Biography in the Rivalry of Cratinus and Aristophanes 169–204
Blondell, Ruby. Review of Myth and Philosophy from the Presocratics to Plato by Kathryn Morgan 132–36 [End Page 2]
Cole, Susan Guettel. Review of Pausanias: Travel and Memory in Roman Greece, ed. Susan E. Alcock, John F. Cherry, and Jaś Elsner 633-37
Davis, P. J. The Colonial Subject in Ovid's Exile Poetry 257-73
de Luce, Judith. Review of Fairytale in the Ancient World by Graham Anderson 287-89
Dietrich Jessica S. Dead Parrots Society 95-110
Erickson, Brice. Falling Masts, Rising Masters: The Ethnography of Virtue in Caesar's Account of the Veneti 601-22

