In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • From the Editor
  • Amanda Cobb-Greetham

We begin this volume with "John Milton Oskison and Assimilation" by Lionel Larré. In this thought-provoking article, Larré complicates the interpretation of John Milton Oskison's writing as assimilationist, arguing that Oskison participated in a form of "sovereign constructive group action." Larré offers a close reading of Oskison's texts, offering an analysis that extricates Oskison's writing from what Maureen Konkle has called "the assimilate-or-become-extinct" narrative. Significantly, Larré situates Oskison as a member of a community of Native intellectuals, including Eastman, Montezuma, and Zitkala-Sa.

In the second article, Cristina Stanciu turns her scholarly focus to a rich but understudied archive-that of poetry published by Carlisle students and graduates in newspapers, magazines, and journals. Stanciu reads "Carlisle poetry" as a cohesive body of work, persuasively arguing that the poetry sets "the stage for reading the future work of American Indian public intellectuals." Through her analysis, Stanciu demonstrates the "interplay of culture, meaning, and representation" as well as the resiliency of Carlisle students as they negotiate institutional discourse in an extremely creative way.

Jennifer Bess also turns her attention to Indian boarding schools in "More Than a Food Fight: Intellectual Traditions and Cultural Continuity in Chilocco's Indian School Journal, 1902-1918." Interestingly, Bess considers the ways in which students used the Indian School Journal to resist Chilocco's specific style of food cultivation, preparation, and consumption-an often overlooked but critical element of Chilocco's systemic attempt to erase Indigenous identities. According to Bess, students used the Journal "to document their traditional foodways in order to challenge the regimentation of their bodies." [End Page ix]

In the fourth article, "'Everything the World Turn On': Inclusion and Exclusion in Linda Hogan's Power," Jesse Peters uses the concepts of separatism and syncretism or exclusion and inclusion to reveal the tensions between the Taiga elders and Omishto's mother's religion and school experiences. Peters problematizes this dichotomy, contending that "connection is found only in the complex realities human beings inhabit."

Finally, we cannot truly begin volume 37 without acknowledging all those who contributed to volume 36, including our staff, the editorial board, peer reviewers, contributors, book reviewers, and, of course, our readers. Publishing a journal is a demanding process that requires the time and efforts of many. It is only through the participation of many in the academic community that American Indian Quarterly can continue to provide a strong, interdisciplinary voice in Native American studies. Chokma'shki. Thank you. [End Page x]


