In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Creative Movement, Dramatics, and Dance Vernon, M. Multiply handicapped deaf children: A study of the significance and causes of the problem. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Claremont Graduate School and University Center, 1966. Vernon, M. Fifty years of research on the intelligence of deaf and hard of hearing: A review of literature and discussion of implication, journal of Rehabilitation of the Deaf, 1968, Vol. 1. ERRATUM The following corrected figure from the article "Social Interaction of Partially Mainstreamed HearingImpaired Children" which appeared in the February 1982 issue should be noted. Schools A Interactions with Peers τγψψ* r-^rTfrVr^-rï»...!^ 1....... J____L _L J. _L Interactions with Teachers ± tL • · · 1 » · · Λ ] _L _L _L 35 30 25 20 I5 IO 5 5 IO I5 20 25 30 35 Percentage of Recorded Intervals H Hearing IEl Hearing Impaired (Integrated) D Hearing Impaired (Special) Figure 1. Interactions with peers and teachers. A.A.D.I June 1982 373 ...

