
Dormitory Language Project is now in its sixth year at the North Dakota School for the Deaf. This program is a vital part of our students' educational program at our school and was developed and implemented by our Superintendent, Allen J. Hayek and the three coordinators that this project has now had. This project was developed on these statements: (a) Language and vocabulary development is one of the greatest problems that face hearing-impaired students at our school; (b) Our students need a program that tries to remediate their language and vocabulary deficiencies in everyday practical situations that is supplemental to their school program; (c) This program tries to identify areas of weakness and areas of concern and interest that our students do not normally have in school; and (d) This program will help our students, and they will be better able to cope with the real world after graduation. Dormitory Language Project at the North Dakota School for the Deaf is working.
