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Reviews Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing, Brian CJ. Moore, Ph.D., 311 pp., no price given, University Park Press, Chamber of Commerce Building, Baltimore , Md. 21202,1977. Dr. Moore has written a book that would be excellent for students of speech pathology and audiology as well as others who have no previous knowledge of acoustics. The book gives enough of the basics to allow the reader to follow the explanations of sound perception and its various aspects. At the same time the presentation is not so superficial as to carry little real information. After laying the groundwork, the author goes extensively into aspects of loudness, auditory patterns, the perception of pitch, adaptation and fatigue, sound localization, and perception . He has taken a difficult subject that is still under investigation and has treated it scholastically and concisely. This provides quite enjoyable reading, although the subject may be considered dry by some. Brenda Swain La Cosse, M.A., M.Ed. Children's Hospital Medical Center Oakland, CA 94609 Robin Sees A Song, Jim Pahz and Cheryl Pahz, 44 pp., People Potential Series 2, National Association of the Deaf, Silver Spring, Md., 1977. Robin Sees A Song is a heartwarming, fanciful story poem about a little deaf girl named Robin who, after a lot of wondering and questioning, discovers the meaning of a song. This is the second story about Robin, who was first introduced in the book, The Girl Who Wouldn't Talk. The story line in Robin Sees A Song is unique. The little girl is puzzled about just what a song is. She poses the question to her father. He replies, "Now I'd say, if I had my choice, to sing is like doing a dance with your voice." Robin asks her mother. She says, "Well, I've always found a song is like painting a feeling with sound." Robin still doesn't understand. Finally, a dream figure, the Song itself, comes to Robin in the night and whisks her off to a far away land where she experiences songs through sight, touch, and smell. Robin learns a lesson important for all of us—a song (like so many things in life) is what you want it to be. The author's use of a deaf girl as the main character allows us to perceive part of the world as a deaf child might see it, giving the story's message greater impact. The artwork greatly enhances the text, with illustrations on practically every page. This book could be an important part of either a unit on handicapped people, specifically the deaf, or a unit on poetry. Children aged eight and up would find the story appealing and understandable. Jan Hafer DuBois Parent Centered Pre-School Program for the Hearing Impaired Rosemont Elementary School Martinsburg, W. Va. Cleft Palate: Middle Ear Disease and Hearing Loss, Malcolm D. Graham, MD., 148 pp., no price given, Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, 111., 1978. Dr. Graham has done an admirable job of collating data relevant to middle ear disease and hearing loss as it appears in the cleft palate patient. In particular, Dr. Buckingham's chapter on "Tympanic Membrane; Normal and Abnormal" has excellent photographic reproductions of the disease of the middle ear cleft and should prove most demonstrative as an instructional aid to the parents of cleft palate children in helping them understand the insidious process that often affects the children's hearing and is not quite as dramatic as a cosmetic deformity which draws so much attention. It would have been nice, in view of Dr. McCabe's foreward and the dedication of the book to Dean Lierle, M.D., to have expanded the scope of the book to include current concepts of treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate. The division of the patient's palatal problem into the specialties of otolaryngology and plastic surgery is artificial and certainly has been erased in the Iowa program. Further progress along this line should be encouraged nationally. This book would have afforded an excellent opportunity to have done so. /. David Williams, M.D. 3730 Rhone Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Mainstreaming of Children With a Hearing Loss, Verna V. Yater, Ph.D...
