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About this Journal

Submission Guidelines

Histories of Anthropology Annual invites submissions of diverse perspectives on the discipline's history within a global context. Critical, comparative, analytical, and narrative studies involving all aspects and subfields of anthropology are welcomed.

All articles must be prepared in accordance with the latest edition of the AAA Style Guide. All submissions must be typed, double-spaced (including quotations and endnotes), with 1-inch margins and 12-point font size. Individuals whose works are accepted for publication must supply a final copy in both paper and electronic form (RTF or Microsoft Word). Please include your professional affiliation and e-mail address. Manuscripts will be recycled unless accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Address submissions to

Regna Darnell
Department of Anthropology
University of Western Ontario
London, ON
Canada N6A 5C2


Fredric W. Gleach
Department of Anthropology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

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