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About this Journal

Submission Guidelines

HELIOS publishes articles that explore innovative approaches to the study of classical culture, literature, and society. Especially welcome are articles that embrace contemporary critical methodologies, such as anthropological, deconstructive, feminist, reader response, social history, and text theory.

To be considered for publication, all material must be typed on 8½ by 11-inch paper and double spaced throughout, including indented quotations and notes. Authors are encouraged to send an electronic copy of their paper (preferably as a PDF file) to the editor. An abstract of at least 150 words should accompany the article. All manuscripts must be anonymous, with no reference to the author appearing in the text or notes, and will be refereed by experts in the field.

For standard titles and abbreviations of ancient sources, the author should consult LSJ9, OLD, and OCD3. For bibliographical citations, the author must follow the authordate format; the format may be found in the style-sheet in TAPA.

Please address all editorial correspondence to Steven M. Oberhelman, Editor, Dept. of International Studies, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-4215; email: s-oberhelman@tamu.edu.

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