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Manuscripts may be submitted via email or in hard copy with disk, preferably in Microsoft Word or compatible format. Please include the author's name, mailing address, phone, fax, and email, on a separate page; and an abstract of the paper, up to 150 words. All text, notes, and references should be double-spaced and in the same size type. Maximum total length is 50 pages. References should follow the Chicago Manual author-date citation style (see 14th edition, chapter 16). All submissions considered for publication are sent to outside reviewers to determine acceptability and are subject to revision and editing before final acceptance. Send books for review and book review correspondence to the Book Review Editor at the address below.

Editorial office:
125A Memorial Bldg.
Box 248282
Coral Gables
Florida 33124-2302
Telephone (305) 284-5554
Fax (305) 284-2796
E-mail: LAPS.sis@miami.edu

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