In this Issue
Shofar publishes original, scholarly work and reviews a wide range of recent books in Judaica. Founded in 1981, Shofar is a peer-reviewed journal that is published quarterly by Purdue University Press on behalf of the University’s Jewish Studies Program.
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Purdue University Pressviewing issue
Volume 23, Number 3, Spring 2005Editorial Board
Zev Garber
Daniel Morris
Associate Editor
Dean Bell
Managing Editor
Nancy Lein
Book Editor
Joseph Haberer
Editorial Board
Rachel Adler (Hebrew Union College-Los Angeles and University of Southern California)
Alan Astro (Trinity University)
Lawrence Baron (San Diego State University)
Ofer Ben-Amots (Colorado College)
Shmuel Bolozky (University of Massachusetts)
Steven B. Bowman (University of Cincinnati)
S. Daniel Breslauer (University of Kansas)
Jean Cahan (University of Nebraska)
Leonard Dinnerstein (University of Arizona)
Samuel Edelman (California State University at Chico)
Judith Laikin Elkin (University of Michigan)
Richard Freund (University of Hartford)
Esther Fuchs (University of Arizona)
Joel Gereboff (Arizona State University)
Miryam Glazer (University of Judaism)
Daniel S. Goffman (Ball State University)
Penny S. Gold (Knox College)
Sandor Goodhart (Purdue University)
Peter Haas (Case Western Reserve University)
Harold Kasimow (Grinnell College)
Elizabeth Klein (University of Illinois)
Jacques Kornberg (University of Toronto)
Benny Kraut (Queens College)
Saul Lerner (Purdue University Calumet)
Richard S. Levy (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Gregory Mahler (Kalamazoo College)
Rafael Medoff (SUNY at Purchase)
Robert Melson (Purdue University)
Jody Myers (California State University-Northridge)
Donald L. Niewyk (Southern Methodist University)
John Pawlikowski (Catholic Theological Union)
Gary G. Porton (University of Illinois)
Alvin Rosenfeld (Indiana University)
Daniel J. J. Ross (University of Nebraska Press)
Michael Shapiro (University of Illinois)
Byron Sherwin (Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies)
Naomi Sokoloff (University of Washington)
Alan Steinweis (University of Nebraska)
Seth Ward (University of Denver)
David Williams (University of Georgia)
Seth Wolitz (University of Texas-Austin)
Gordon D. Young (Purdue University)
Laurie Zoloth-Dorfman (San Francisco State University)