In this Issue
With a firm commitment to interdisciplinary exchange, Eighteenth-Century Life addresses all aspects of European and world culture during the long eighteenth century, 1660-1815. The most wide-ranging journal of eighteenth-century studies, it also encourages diverse methodologies--from close reading to cultural studies--and it is always open to suggestions for innovative approaches and special issues. Among Eighteenth-Century Life's noteworthy regular features are its film forums, its review essays, the longest and most eclectic lists of books received of any journal in the field, and its book-length special issues.
published by
Duke University Pressviewing issue
Volume 29, Number 1, Winter 2005Editorial Board
Cedric D. Reverand II, University of Wyoming
Associate Editor
Mark Booth, University of Wyoming
Editorial Assistant
Andromeda Hartwick
Corresponding Editors
Wye Allanbrook
Kevin Berland
Raymond Birn
Norman Bryson
Julia V. Douthwaite
Cissie Fairchilds
Beatrice C. Fink
Herbert Josephs
Alan Kors
Susan S. Lanser
Bruce Lenman
Jessica Munns
Wendy Wassyng Roworth
Valerie Rumbold
Mona Scheuermann
Larry Stewart
Philip Stewart
Randolph Trumbach
Daniel Wilson
John Wilton-Ely
Advisory Editors
Miles Chappell, Fine Arts
Timothy M. Costelloe, Philosophy
William Hausman, Economic History
Dale E. Hoak, British History
James Livingston, History of Religious Thought
Ronald Schechter, French History
Talbot J. Taylor, Linguistic Ideas