In this Issue
- 80 (Volume 22, Number 3), Fall 2004
- Issue
- Special Issue: Technoscience
Social Text covers a broad spectrum of social and cultural phenomena, applying the latest interpretive methods to the world at large. A daring and controversial leader in the field of cultural studies, the journal consistently focuses attention on questions of gender, sexuality, race, and the environment, publishing key works by the most influential social and cultural theorists.
published by
Duke University Pressviewing issue
80 (Volume 22, Number 3), Fall 2004Editorial Board
Brent Edwards, Rutgers University
Randy Martin, New York University
Managing Editor
Michèle Sharon
Editorial Collective
Herman Bennett
Arlene Davila
Ashley Dawson
Patrick Deer
Brent Edwards
David Eng
Licia Fiol-Matta
Stefano Harney
Phillip Brian Harper
Cindi Katz
David Kazanjian
Jason King
Randy Martin
Rick Maxwell
Anna McCarthy
Toby Miller
Susette Min
Timothy Mitchell
José Esteban Muñoz
Laurie Ouellette
Gyan Prakash
Jasbir Puar
Andrew Ross
Josefina Saldaña
Michèle Sharon
Ella Shohat