In this Issue
French Historical Studies, the leading journal on the history of France, publishes groundbreaking articles, commentaries, and research notes on all periods of French history from the Middle Ages to the present. The journal's diverse format includes forums, review essays, special issues, and articles in French, as well as bilingual abstracts of the articles in each issue. Also featured are bibliographies of recent dissertations and books and announcements of fellowships, prizes, and conferences of interest to French historians.
published by
Duke University Pressviewing issue
Volume 27, Number 4, Fall 2004Table of Contents
- Introduction
- p. 723
- Il Faut Savoir Compter
- pp. 725-731
- Daniel Roche and the History of Paris
- pp. 733-740
- Roche on the Move
- pp. 741-745
- Daniel Roche and History's Movable Feast
- pp. 747-751
News and Publications
* The editors thank Professor Daniel Cohen, in the history department at Rice University, for his editorial work on the French abstract published here.
Previous Issue
Additional Information
Copyright © 2004 The Society for French Historical Studies.