In this Issue
First in its specialty area and one of the most frequently cited publications in geography, Geographical Analysis has, since 1969, presented significant advances in geographical theory, model building, and quantitative methods to geographers and scholars in a wide spectrum of related fields. Traditionally, mathematical and nonmathematical articulations of geographical therory, and statements and discussions of the analytic paradigm are published in the journal. Spatial data analyses and spatial econometrics and statistics are strongly represented.
published by
The Ohio State University Pressviewing issue
Volume 36, Number 3, July 2004Editorial Board
Alan T. Murray, Ohio State University
Associate Editors
Mei-Po Kwan, The Ohio State University
A. Stewart Fotheringham, University of Newcastle
Daniel A. Griffith, Syracuse University
Consulting Editors
Luc Anselin, University of Illinois
Marc P. Armstrong, University of Iowa
Richard L. Church, University of California, Santa Barbara
C. Cindy Fan, University of California, Los Angeles
Manfred M. Fischer, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration
Mark Gahegan, Penn State University
Arthur Getis, San Diego State University
Michael F. Goodchild, University of California, Santa Barbara
Suchi Gopal, Boston University
Kingsley E. Haynes, George Mason University
Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, University of Illinois
Ron Johnston, Bristol University
Pavlos Kanaroglou, McMaster University
Nina S-N. Lam, Louisiana State University
James P. LeSage, University of Toledo
Sara McLafferty, University of Illinois
Harvey Miller, University of Utah
Peter Nijkamp, Free University
Morton O'Kelly, The Ohio State University
Atsuyuki Okabe, University of Tokyo
Kavita Pandit, University of Georgia
Jonathan D. Phillips, University of Kentucky
David Plane, University of Arizona
Serge Rey, San Diego State University
Bruce Rhoads, University of Illinois
Peter Rogerson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Yukio Sadahiro, University of Tokyo
Jean-Claude Thill, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Elizabeth Wentz, Arizona State University