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In this Issue

Editorial Board


Robert P. Maccubbin, College of William and Mary

Associate Editor

Adam Potkay, College of William and Mary

Editorial Assistants

John D. Miller
Chad D. Sandford

Corresponding Editors

Wye Allanbrook
Kevin Berland
Raymond Birn
Norman Bryson
Julia V. Douthwaite
Cissie Fairchilds
Beatrice C. Fink
Gregory L. Freeze
Herbert Josephs
Alan Kors
Susan S. Lanser
Bruce Lenman
Jessica Munns
Wendy Wassyng Roworth
Valerie Rumbold
Mona Scheuermann
Larry Stewart
Philip Stewart
Randolph Trumbach
Daniel Wilson
John Wilton-Ely

Advisory Editors

Miles Chappell, Fine Arts
Timothy M. Costelloe, Philosophy
William Hausman, Economic History
Dale E. Hoak, British History
James Livingston, History of Religious Thought
Ronald Schechter, French History
Talbot J. Taylor, Linguistic Ideas