Front Cover:
The cover of each issue of the Journal of the MalaysianBranch of the Royal Asiatic Society highlights a buildingor location that is a significant part of the nationalheritage of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.
The cover of the current issue features the historicKampung Laut Mosque, a priceless heritage buildingconstructed by Muslim missionaries on the bank of theKelantan River during the 18th century. Made entirelyof Chengal wood, it was built without the use of nails.In the 20th century, after years of flooding, includingmajor inundations in 1926 and 1966, the buildingwas relocated to Nilam Puri, Kota Bharu, around 20kilometres away.
In September 2020 the mosque was returned to itsoriginal site in Kampung Laut, Tumpat, Kelantan,a process that required disassembling and thenrebuilding the entire structure. This work was carriedout with great care, following guidance from theNational Heritage Department (Jabatan WarisanNegara) and monitored by a certified conservator.
Restoring the mosque to its original location waspart of a plan to develop Kampung Laut as aHeritage Kampung. Its location near two commercialcomplexes, Laman Warisan Seni and Laman WarisanSerunding, is convenient for tourists as well asresearchers and students attracted by the mosque’sunique architecture and fine woodcarving.