In this Issue
- Volume 29, 2022
- Issue
The Goethe Yearbook, first published in 1982, is the flagship publication of the Goethe Society and is dedicated to North American Goethe scholarship. The Yearbook invites submissions in English or German on Goethe, his works, his contemporaries, or the period 1770-1832 in general. For further information about back issues or manuscript submission, please visit
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North American Goethe Societyviewing issue
Volume 29, 2022Table of Contents
- Preface
- pp. xiii-xiv
- DOI:
- Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Friedrich Schiller, and: Wallenstein: A Dramatic Poem by Friedrich Schiller, and: Don Carlos: Infante of Spain by Friedrich Schiller, and: Love and Intrigue by Friedrich Schiller, and: Maria Stuart by Friedrich Schiller (review)
- pp. 291-293
- DOI:
- Das Pfennig-Magazin zur Journalliteratur ed. by Nicola Kaminski and Jens Ruchatz, and: Journallliteratur—ein Avertissement by Nicola Kaminski and Jens Ruchatz, and: Garderobenwechsel: "Das Fräulein von Scuderi" in Taschenbuch, Lieferungswerk und Journal (1819–1871) by Volker Mergenthaler, and: Grenzen überschreiten. Rezipienten-, Text-, Format- und Variantenwanderungen im Taschenbuch zum geselligen Vergnügen auf das Jahr 1823 by Moritz Döring, and: Media (B)Orders between Periodicals and Books: Miscellaneity and Classification in Nineteenth Century Magazines and Literature by Daniela Gretz et al., and: Nicht alles glauben, was geschrieben steht! Wie frühe illustrierte Journale (nicht) über sich Auskunft geben by Andreas Beck, and: "O ja. Entscheiden. Seht doch …" Der "zerbrochne Krug" als Fall der Textkritik by Nicola Kaminski (review)
- pp. 316-318
- DOI: